Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1101: Who are you

Xiao Yu was a little surprised, but he did not refuse.

In any case, he didn't want this business to come in vain, and the Han family was undoubtedly the best opportunity.

If they can give in, then Xiao Yu will of course consider cooperating with the Han family.

That night, Xiao Yu stayed in Banhu's residence. The environment and spirit here were obviously better than the bamboo forest.

Xiao Yu meditated cross-legged in the room.

Outside the door, Han Yinan came with a woman. The woman was carrying a plate with some dishes and wine.

The woman's eyes were a little complicated, her head lowered.

"Shishi, don't be like this, you know, the people inside are very important to our Han family. If things happen, you will get the family's attention. Isn't the refining device what you have been pursuing?"

"Yeah." Han Shishi bowed her head and replied.

The two immediately went outside.

"Young Master Xiao."

"Come in."

The door opened, Han Yinan opened it, Chaohan Shishi made a look, and the latter bit his red lips and stepped in.

After closing the door, Han Yinan left.

Xiao Yu opened his eyes, saw the delicious dishes, got up, and smiled: "How ashamed to ask you to give me food by yourself."

Of course this is a joke.

At that time, Han Shishi was very proud, and she still had to be strong in front of her.

But this time, the feeling of submission is very strong.

Han Shishi's face flushed, a little annoyed, but she could only swallow her anger.

"Elder Nan asked me to serve Young Master Xiao." Han Shishi put down the bowls and chopsticks, then pouring wine skillfully, standing aside.

Xiao Yu sat down and said faintly, "Is your Han family planning to sell you to me?"

This matter itself is not a glorious thing, and now that it is said so, Han Shishi's face is even flushed.

Her eyes became even more bleak.

Fate gave her such an arrangement, what choice could she have?

Being in a family is naturally based on family interests.

Now that you have settled, it is better to accept than to struggle.

She stared at Xiao Yu and asked, "Young Master Xiao, who are you on earth?"

From the beginning of meeting Xiao Yu, she felt the indifferent and high-mindedness that the other party radiated intentionally or unintentionally.

Although she was uncomfortable at the beginning, and as her own Miss Han family, she wanted to make the other person look up at herself.

But knowing that she was wrong later, it turns out that this young man is not only a huge treasure, but also his strength is not weak.

Even the elders of the family have to treat each other with courtesy. What does this mean?

She didn't know the reason for this, but she guessed it, this person must be extraordinary.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "I said I come from Xiaoyao Sect, do you believe it or not?"

Han Shishi stared at Xiao Yu incredulously, Xiaoyaomen?

Yes indeed! Some time ago, there was indeed a true disciple named Xiao Yu in Xiaoyao Sect!

Could it be him?

how is this possible?

But imagine so carefully that the age of the two, and the temperament of this person who is different from ordinary people, really do not want to be ordinary forces.

But soon, Han Shishi shook her head and laughed at herself: "Believe it or not, what does it mean? For me, my destiny is connected with my family, and I am now your woman."

"I have outstanding soul talent since I was a child. However, I was born into a collateral family and was excluded by the family. There is no formal method of refining.

"My parents were suppressed because of my relationship, and even couldn't afford to be sick. Even if I went out, I would have to be supervised, there was no freedom and no things of my own."

"Maybe the family's decision is right, because from the family's point of view, I am at least somewhat useful."

Listening to the young girl's words, Xiao Yu's heart was slightly throbbing.

"Since you met me, I will try my best to help you."

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