Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1104: Take the opportunity to attack

Everyone recognized Wu Ze's supernatural powers, and they were amazed.

The strong man in the late Golden Core Realm is attacking, in any case, the young man will not be as relaxed as just now, right?

Xiao Yu shook his head, bullied himself, and immediately shot up with a palm.

As soon as this palm came out, the blood was surging like a surging ocean wave, and Wu Ze's complexion changed a lot, as if he had encountered a huge mountain rushing towards his face.


Wu Ze's white mist disappeared, and his whole body was knocked out, and the martial arts tables and chairs were all shattered.


The people on the venue were even more shocked. Could this young man be an evildoer?

The moment this person made his move, the oppressive aura made people feel as though they were suffocating one after another as if they were facing a giant monster.

The complexions of Brother Qiang and the others changed drastically in an instant, the strength of this young man had already greatly exceeded their expectations.

Suddenly there was a horrified thought in their hearts. If this young man had been a killer, would they still have their lives standing here now?

the answer is negative.

Everyone can see Wu Ze's strength, and few people in Bi Lingyu dare to provoke him.

But in the face of this young man who looks like a young man, there is no power to fight back?

Xiao Yu said faintly, "You guys also want to be robbers?"

Wu Ze has gotten up, and the entire group of people are flushed.

Xiao Yu hit Wu Ze's person, but Wu Ze still valued the Xinglan mine in Xiao Yu's hands. He just wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble.

When he didn't expect it, he couldn't steal the chicken by himself, and instead lost his face.

Suddenly, Wu Ze became angry and said, "Boy, do you really think I am a vegetarian!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Ze immediately activated a powerful legged magical power.

The leg attack is Wu Ze's best, countless leg styles swept over like a storm.

The astonishing momentum made Yigan people rely on even more.

The casual repairmen were amazed.

In the late Golden Core Realm, he could be considered a master in the Bi Lingyu area.

In any case, they all knew Wu Ze's methods. As soon as the momentum of this leg came out, the people below the late stage of the Golden Core Realm changed their colors.

Feeling Wu Ze's offensive swarming over, Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, it was indeed powerful, and Wu Ze had a murderous intent, and he was bound to win.

But they seemed to have forgotten that Xiao Yu didn't burst out real power from beginning to end.

The power of Zilin revolved on the palm of his hand, Xiao Yu's long hair had no wind, and the purple energy surpassed his arm.

A kind of domineering and fierce aura that seemed to come from the desert filled the whole hall.

"What kind of breath is this..."

"What an amazing power of vitality!"

The crowd was stunned.

The sect world looks forward to orthodox practice methods, such as body-rehabilitation exercises, which are called sideways, and it is difficult to enter the eyes of these people.

But the breath of this power of blood is simply terrifying.

That is from the bones, enough to make people bow their heads.

Zi Qi entangled Xiao Yu's slender fingers, and his fingers seemed more fearful than any other spiritual weapon.

Xiao Yu didn't even urge the purple unicorn to come out, and immediately rushed up.

As the arm swept, there was a rumbling vibration in the space.

Wu Ze was stunned, his offensive was powerful, and his entire body's strength was pressing on his legs, but facing this purple-colored arm, he actually felt a sense of horror.

Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent, his figure was like a glimpse, and between the raids, there was a chic and reckless posture in it, and his fists immediately hit Wu Ze's legs.


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