Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1134: Explain

It was too late and then fast. When the voice just fell, the invisible coercion, like a huge rock falling from the sky, was suppressed fiercely.

"Power of Endowment!"

The female disciples of Bai Yugu were slightly moved.


Kan Dong's fist was broken in the blink of an eye, and the shock was shocking. It immediately caused him to retreat more than ten meters, and he punched out with both punches to resolve these vigor.

After a while, a figure of a young man appeared.

The teenager's black hair was flying, his clothes fluttered, and there was a kind of calmness on his body.

Although the boy was only seventeen or eighteen years old, the childishness on his face had completely faded, and there was a calm and profound meaning in the clear eyes.

"Are you finally coming out?"

Seeing Xiao Yu appearing, Kan Dong at the front stared at Xiao Yu angrily.

The disciples of the Gang cover sect were glaring.

You know, Xiao Yu not only abolished Guangyue, but also killed the true disciple Cen Hong, as well as the great elder Hao Jingdun. If you want to say angry, I am afraid that no one can compare with Gangzong.

The Tyrant Fist Sect over there stared coldly at this young man, it was him, and killed their elder.

If this hadn't been heard, they seemed to be reluctant to believe it, after all, the other party was too young.

On the other side, the female disciples of Bai Yugu's eyes flickered coldly, especially Yu Xuanhui, who stared at the boy coldly.

People of the same seven sects, Xiaoyao Sect has risen to such a talented child, of course Bai Yugu is very shocked.

At the same time they are also a little jealous, jealous that this young man will rise.

And because of the relationship between Yu Qingxue and Yu Xuanhui, and with a hint of inner jealousy, Bai Yugu, like Fengshimen and Xuanjian Pavilion, began to suppress Xiaoyaomen's disciples in the world of Ju Ling Pagoda.

In fact, it was Xiao Yu who suppressed their three sects.

The relationship between Tong Li, Xi Zhiyou and Yu Qingxue only played a catalytic role.

Just imagine, who among the six major sects does not want the Xiaoyao Sect to rise again?

Naturally, Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion and Baiyu Valley.

Now the ranking of Xiaoyaomen is below these three sects.

The Magic Moon Sect is already a veteran sect.

The Purple Spirit Sect was trained as an array mage, and it hardly participated in this kind of ranking struggle.

Another Clear Sky School.

The Clear Sky School has grown up, although there is not much time, but the background is terrifying, and it is difficult for a sect to shake its position in a short time.

Therefore, Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion and Baiyugu, the overall strength of the sect is not much different.

They were linked together, and in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, Xiao Yu had already defeated the inner disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion and Fengshimen one after another. This indirectly was also declaring war on Bai Yugu.

And Bai Yugu Shangxia didn't expect this day to come so soon, until Xiao Yu killed Pan Wenjie!

This directly ignited the anger of Bai Yugu.

In the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, no matter Xiao Yu, Xuanjian Pavilion, or the windshield gate, no matter how suppressed the blow, as long as there are no dead people, it will not alarm the killer.

But this time, Yu Xuanhui came to the foot of Xiaoyaomen Mountain with a "killing order"!

Yu Xuanhui's eyes were extremely cold, she did not speak, but the killing intent had already enveloped her heart.

The appearance of Xiao Yu immediately made these disciples of Xiaoyaomen happy.

"Junior Brother Xiao!"

When Xiao Yu came to the Xiaoyao Sect, it could be said that all the disciples above and below the Xiaoyao Sect felt they had seen hope.

This is a true disciple!

Still known as the super genius once in a hundred years!

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