Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1136: Fight two overlords

This scene made Xiaoyaomen's disciples and everyone present couldn't help but feel moved.

This boy has such a big tone, so much courage.

But for some reason, everyone was shocked by the son's sonorous words.

It's a kind of standing upright, dare to act.

That is an attitude of dying for the sect and living for the sect.

It is a kind of brave who is not afraid of death.

Even if it was Kandong, Xiang Zhenrong, who had lived for half a lifetime, was also shocked by Xiao Yu's aura, and froze in place.

But soon, everyone present reacted.

Is it because this boy is afraid of him because of his words?

Is it because of this that you can give up revenge for your own sect?

"I said, murder and pay the debts and pay the debts. You killed the people of the sect. I am here to avenge you today! Since you dare to come down alone, then it means you have to take care of yourself, right?" Questioned.

Xiang Zhenrong also took a step forward and said coldly, "Xiao Yu, whether you are a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect or not, it is a fact that you killed my sect."

Xiao Yu sneered and shook his head. He knew that he was doomed to fight like this.

"In that case, there is no need to talk nonsense." Xiao Yu's eyes returned to indifferent again.

Since you are dying, I will fulfill you.

"Let's go together."

How can Kandong and Xiang Zhenrong say that they are both suzerains, and they are both in the Golden Core Realm of Great Perfection, how can this kid dare to be so big?

But whether or not it is a big one, the two sect masters who dare to come to the foot of the Xiaoyaomen Mountain today are planning to put them to death and live, otherwise, how would they explain to the people of their sect?

When it was said that it was too late, then Xiang Zhenrong and Kan Dong rushed towards Xiao Yu.

A young man whose strength is at best in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, they are great in the Golden Core Realm!

What are they afraid of! ?

To kill this child is nothing more than trying to get something.

Yu Xuanhui watched this scene indifferently.

The news of that day came back saying that this young man had killed so many masters in the early stage of the Golden Core Realm, and the entire Bai Yugu was shocked.

The early stage of the Golden Core Realm! You can jump to so many levels to kill Pan Wenjie and others, and even the owner of the Qi Lingzhuang, the Golden Core Realm Dzogchen, will be killed. This is definitely a young man with terrifying power and talent!

Bai Yugu knew that Pan Wenjie's death was also the first to attack Xiao Yu without authorization, and the elders of Bai Yugu had nothing to say.

Because although the seven major sects are also fighting in secret, they are the powerful forces supporting the sect world.

To a certain extent, the seven sects are also linked together.

This phenomenon of killing within the seven major sects is already an unreasonable existence.

If Pan Wenjie killed Xiao Yu, then their elders in Bai Yugu would naturally dare to fool around.

But it was so hard to die, Pan Wenjie was killed instead.

But Bai Yugu couldn't suffer from this boring loss, so they sent Pan Wenjie, and then found the Gang Cover Sect and the Tyrant Boxing Sect.

These two sects were backed by Bai Yugu, and of course they won with confidence.

Two Sect Masters of the Great Perfection in the Golden Core Realm, plus Yu Xuanhui, the second-ranked disciple of the Bai Yugu Inner Sect, can't it be that this kid can't be taken down?

All these disciples of Xiaoyaomen retreated and opened.

What Xiao Yu said just now was indeed a relief, but looking at his Junior Brother Xiao, he was not scared at all!

When Kandong was still tens of meters away from Xiao Yu, his body surface was suddenly filled with layers of golden light.

"Golden body! An evolutionary version of the silver body!" Xiaoyaomen's disciple exclaimed.

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