Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1138: Young Power

Xiao Yu's hand immediately moved the expressions of the disciples of Gang Cover Sect and Tyrant Fist Sect.

Their respective suzerains, the two Golden Core Realms of Great Perfection, were shocked by this young man under their joint hands?

What a terrible strength is that?

This young man is no more than the late Golden Core Realm!

The disciples of Bai Yugu also realized the incredible.

Rumor is worse than meeting, and meeting is worse than rumors.

There are legends from the outside world that this young man can leapfrog and fight, and his combat effectiveness is terrifying.

They themselves didn't believe it, but if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes today, I'm afraid they would still treat that young man as an ordinary Jindan stage late stage.

When the disciples of Xiaoyaomen saw this, their eyes brightened.

"Junior Brother Xiao, it's... so handsome!" One of the disciples exclaimed.

They also practice Xiaoyao Fu, but compared to Xiao Yu, they appear to be much weaker.

Both the realm and the power erupted by supernatural powers seemed much weaker.

Kandong and Xiang Zhenrong both looked surprised, surprised and angry.

How they say they are all the sect masters, but the other boy's words seem to be a kind of questioning from overlooking.

"Our life and death cannot be decided by you! You must be the one who died!" Kan Dong said angrily.

Xiao Yu shook his head, his eyes flashed with cold light, and said, "It seems that you already have a choice."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu peeked over with a palm.

After all, both of them are at the Golden Core Realm of Great Perfection, and they are not so easy to kill, so Xiao Yu didn't intend to hide anything.

The power of Fu still leaped out, and the bright light condensed again on his palmprint.

In an instant of kung fu, a small sun was condensed in his hand, and with the impulse of the empowerment, the light became bigger and bigger, and immediately rose against the storm, turning into a huge grinding disc of 100 meters.

"go with!"

Xiao Yu pushed it out with a palm, and the moon disk seemed to fall from the sky, and with a rotating gesture, it was shot up.

Yueyang itself is Huangpin supernatural power, but its upper limit is Xuanpin, and its power is not simple.

Both Kandong and Xiang Zhenrong both used mysterious powers, but their mysterious powers were different from those of the same level in the seven sects.

After all, these third-rate sects, the most lacking is the magical powers of the techniques, even if they are of the same rank, there will be strong and weak points.

It was too late and it was fast, the moon rose against the storm, and a dazzling white light turned into a dazzling white light. When Kan Dong and Xiang Zhenrong saw this, the two were moved.

But they can't allow them to hesitate too much, because the opponent's offensive is too vast.

Kan Dong roared, his arms shook, and spiritual power suddenly condensed in front of him, forming a thirteen-layer mask.


He stepped out with one foot, and the whole person was like a little golden man because of the thirteen layers of mask.

"Thirteen Gold Covers!" Bai Yugu's disciples recognized Kan Dong's famous defense skills.

"Come on, see if you can break my defense!" Kandong laughed wildly.

Xiang Zhenrong over there was not to be outdone. His fist style tore the air, and endless air currents suddenly converged to form a tens of meters of air wave fist style. This fist style seemed to be raging and violent. Very mighty.

"The wave of air rushes into the fist!"

The offensive of one attack and one defense soon greeted that grinding disc.

"Boom boom boom!"

Horrible vibrations erupted continuously, and the aura fluctuations that came out of the collision directly detonated the air, the earth shook, and the mountains shook.

Everyone backed three hundred meters away, otherwise they would be involved in these fluctuations.

"Twice, break it for me!"

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