Shura God Emperor

Chapter 114: Big match

As mentioned by Rhubarb before, when the wolf magic jue practice reaches the top, Rhubarb will provide Xiao Yu with a more powerful exercise technique.

The rhubarb said: "There are, but at least you need to wait for your body to reach the strength of the Qi Concentration Stage before you can practice."

Xiao Yu looked expectant, and said, "Is it the green-grade body-refining exercise?"

You know, there are rumors in the capital that only the royal family has a green technique!

It is conceivable how precious the green technique is.

"Do you think that the green technique is very precious? You are fooled, because the rulers fooled you. There are many green techniques in your so-called royal family."

Xiao Yu dumbly said, "Then why does the royal family do this?"

"If you don't hang your appetite like this, how can you serve this dynasty?" Da Huang said in a disdainful tone.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, and the royal family tried to use his influence to let those disciples with talent and strength strengthen themselves.

He was fortunate now, thinking that fortunately he didn't join, otherwise he would really be tied up.

Although the Wolf Demon Jue had cultivated to the thirteenth floor, Xiao Yu still needed a day to consolidate.

On this day, Xiao Yu was shirtless, connected to the wolf demon in the yard.

The source of strength is in Xiao Yu's flesh and blood, and the concentrated strength can be activated on the hands and feet to burst out powerful attack power.

"Boom bang bang!"

There were many fist marks and footprints on this rock, all of which were the result of Xiao Yu's practice. Xiao Yu never stopped in the morning.


Knowing that this punch went deep into the rock, Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was sweating profusely, and his bronzed skin had perfect muscle lines. Even though he was sweating like rain, his face was satisfied.

"The thirteenth floor is finally consolidated. In this way, in the middle of the Qi Converging Realm, with pure physical strength, no one is my opponent." Xiao Yu said to himself.

When he was about to take a bath, a light figure walked in.


Xiao Yu turned around when he heard the words, and suddenly saw a beautiful face, which turned out to be Tang Linger?

Tang Linger saw Xiao Yu's shirtless upper body, with perfect lines on his body, and his face rose two blushes involuntarily.


Tang Ling'er screamed, and immediately turned around, covering his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, you... why don't you wear clothes in broad daylight!"

Xiao Yu was stunned, and said silently: "Ling'er, is this in my house? You won't say hello when you come in..."

"I..." Tang Ling'er's face turned redder, and her heart throbbed. To be honest, in her mind, she had a perfect body and a handsome face.

"You get dressed soon."

"Ready to wear."

Tang Linger breathed a sigh of relief and turned around, still a little embarrassed.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Ling'er, you look so shy."

Tang Ling'er glared at Xiao Yu and said, "Outsiders say you are arrogant, but I didn't expect you to learn to be slick."

Saying that, Tang Ling'er felt a little bit happy.

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "I don't like people, I'm too lazy to say a word."

Tang Ling'er was startled, Xiao Yu asked: "By the way, Ling'er, what can you do with me?"

Tang Ling'er rolled his eyes and said, "You cultivator, you know that you hide in your house, but you don't even know to go out for a walk?"

Xiao Yu shrugged and said, "It's boring."

Tang Linger said: "Today is the formation competition, aren't you a formation apprentice? Have you forgotten such important things?"

"Major formation? I really don't know." Xiao Yu shook his head.

He is indeed a formation apprentice, but he doesn't care about these so-called titles.

These days, he will specialize in formations whenever he has time.

Because you want to improve your cultivation base on the formation, you must cultivate the Soul Dao.

During his evening cultivation time, he would also take time to comprehend the soul cultivation method of Shenxun Dao.

Of course, Xiao Yu now has a lot of proficiency in the depiction of the formation and his fire dragon pillar formation.

Tang Linger pulled Xiao Yu directly, and said, "Well, don't hide at home, go and see."

"Hey, let me change my clothes first."


Today’s capital is lively with you, because it’s a once-a-year formation.

Profession such as Array Master is a high-status group in the dynasty, and it is also a rare type of people with the most sub-professionals. Moreover, the formation ratio is said to be a very interesting appreciation event.

On the road, Xiao Yu clearly felt that the gazes from the people around him were clearly a kind of jealousy.

Of course, Tang Ling'er didn't need to talk about it, almost wherever he went, he was very conspicuous.

One of the four greatest beauties in the capital, and the daughter of Tang Yiguo, one of the strongest in the dynasty, is enough to make many people look up.

"This Xiao Yu is really rich in beauty. Didn't he fight several royal geniuses in the Princess Mansion not long ago? It is said that he refused the opportunity to go to the Magic Moon Sect."

"It's really amazing, so many people have to go in for this kind of opportunity, but he doesn't know how to promote it."

"Everyone knows his arrogance, but if he does this, he may even offend Concubine Yang."

"Don't you know? According to the news circulated in the palace, Xiao Yu seems to have also rejected the solicitation of the queen empress..."

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