Shura God Emperor

Chapter 116: Shameless

When this king's child said this, everyone else nodded and said yes.

The training of formations is not so simple, it requires deep control of the power of the soul, and then portrays various formations.

And if you are not careful, it is easy to make detours, especially if you don't have a good soul cultivation method and the guidance of others, it is difficult to achieve something.

Everyone knows the situation of Xiao Yu's family, and since Xiao Yu tested his soul talent at the Formation Mage Guild last time, he has not directly appeared in the Formation Mage Guild.

Ordinary formation apprentices will often come to the formation wizard guild, because here everyone can communicate and have the opportunity to get some advice from seniors.

"Xiao Yu, are you here today to watch the excitement?" Wang Zhuo still had a bad face.

Xiao Yu abolished the Young Patriarch of their royal family. This is something everyone knows, and this matter is very loud among the children of the Wang family.

Naturally, the Wang family's surplus was greatly affected.

In fact, not only the Wang family, but also the Wei family and the Li family, their status in the capital and even their reputation have received a lot of ridicule from the family.

Therefore, the three big families hated Xiao Yu, that's for sure.

Xiao Yu also knew the result, so he didn't want to argue with these people at all.

In fact, he was just watching the excitement. Since this is the case, it would be better not to speak or contact these people.

"Hehe, it's really lively here!"

At this time, another figure was approached by a dozen guards, it was Zhao Tianjian.

"Six princes!"

Many people are respectful, because today is the Master of Formation Competition, so there is no need for etiquette here.

Zhao Tianjian walked over, staring at Xiao Yu, and said, "We met Xiao Yu again."

"Sorry Prince Six, I don't know you very well."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Not very familiar! ?

The people at the venue were all stunned, this Xiao Yu was really amazing, and even the Six Princes didn't show any face.

During the soul talent test that day, Zhao Tianjian knew Xiao Yu's personality, but his face was not so good under the eyes of everyone.


The Sixth Prince snorted coldly, and all the people following him blocked Xiao Yu's path.

"Sixth Prince, what does this mean?" Xiao Yu turned his head, his expression cold.

"It doesn't matter what it means. This prince knows that you are also an apprentice of formation, I wonder if you will participate in this competition?"

Those who were unkind to Xiao Yu, even those who watched the good show, all smiled.

The Sixth Prince showed that Xiao Yu was ugly. After all, as everyone knows, Xiao Yu hadn't really touched the formation, because he had only been to the formation wizard guild once.

In contrast, whether Zhao Tianjian or Wang Zhuo, they have always been specializing in formations, and they are pure formation mages.

If Xiao Yu really wants to participate, then there is definitely no chance of winning, so they really want to see how Xiao Yu will answer.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "I'm not interested."

"Haha, Xiao Yu, are you not interested or courageous?" Wang Zhuo said sarcastically.

Although Wang Zhuo belongs to the royal family, the three major families depend on the queen's camp. Strictly speaking, Wang Zhuo and Zhao Tianjian are also in a competitive relationship.

But in any case, Zhao Tianjian is the heir of the royal family. In a sense, although it is a competitive relationship, it will not turn against each other, and even under certain circumstances will be the same enemy, as it is now.

Xiao Yu had already passed the age of being irritated and doing irrational things when someone said two or three sentences casually.

He faintly replied: "Do you have the courage? It's not something you can bring out by participating in a big competition. For example, I can kill a second-level monster. Do you have the courage to kill it?"

Zhao Tianjian and Wang Zhuo flushed, and everyone around them was startled.

Both of them are pure formation mages, and they are still weapons-carved formation types, and of course they don't have the strength to hunt monsters.

"That's right, you still have to stop me?" Xiao Yu raised his brows and said indifferently.

Zhao Tianjian was furious, this Xiao Yu is simply deceiving people too much!

"Xiao Yu, you are so courageous that you dare to insult the children of the royal family. Today this prince will be arrested and punished!" Zhao Tianjian shouted angrily.

The guards he brought, each of which had a qi converging state, were very powerful, and after they surrounded them, Xiao Yu felt a kind of pressure.

"If you can't talk about me, you have to use it strong. Your rogue behavior is your style as a prince?" Xiao Yu said coldly.


The sixth prince smiled without anger, and said, "So what? Xiao Yu, you are bold enough to offend the nobles in the capital. You should have been punished! Come here."

When Xiao Yu was about to explode in strength confrontation, suddenly, a laughter like a silver bell came.

"Hehe, it's really lively here, how about six princes selling me a favor and letting him go?"

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