Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1161: Wind Bell Valley

From the current point of view, if it is not a compromise, then how could Lin Yao be escorted to Zhongyang?

Lin Hu looked a little disappointed, and said: "If you don't compromise, you have to compromise. Snake has no head. But if you want to hand over your daughter to Zhongyangyu, you definitely disagree with the Patriarch. Because it's the Patriarch's line. His ancestor was a true disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect. For Zhongyang Domain, the Patriarch was the same enemy, and felt that the decline of Xiaoyao Sect was inseparable from the Haotian Sect. This Zhongyang Domain was backed by the Haotian Sect."

"But there is no way. The family master's cultivation base is regressed, and the right to speak is no longer with him. The elders voted unanimously to complete the marriage. The reasons given by the elders are reasonable and good for the future of the Lin family."

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "I'm afraid I saw that our Xiaoyao Gate has fallen, are you ready to find another way out?"

Lin Hu said this, his eyes were very dim, and said: "The Patriarch was still opposed to it, and the relationship with the elders became very stiff after the trouble. Later, the kind lady stood up and said that she was willing to marry the Qu family..."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yu seemed to have fully understood the ins and outs of the matter.

He could hear Lin Zhennan's loyalty and trust in Xiaoyaomen.

It can also be heard that Lin Yao has a very good status and reputation in the hearts of people like Lin Hu.

Lin Hu continued: "The Patriarch did not want to sacrifice the happiness of the young lady because of himself, but the lady asked repeatedly, and the Patriarch could only reluctantly agree. Because he was afraid of any problems on the way, he found your free disciples, but elders. In order to be more assured, the three of them were also found."

Speaking of this, Lin Hu looked at Wan Chen and the other three people at the front of the distance.

"What about Miss Xu Zhi?"

Lin Hu smiled bitterly: "Ms. Xu Zhi doesn't actually live in our Lin's family. She is practicing outside and has not joined any sect. However, she often comes to our Qingyunyu and has a very good relationship with the lady. I heard that this time it is the lady's. Decision, Miss Xu Zhi decided to **** her together."

After listening to this, Xiao Yu felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

His strength is limited, and many things are powerless.

One more thing, what if he knew about it?

What can he do?

Leaving aside the relationship between Xiaoyao Sect and Qingyunyu, Xiao Yu has nothing to do with the Lin family.

Elder Xu asked Xiao Yu to investigate the reason, but what can he do if he knows it?

Is it to stop this marriage? In what capacity is he?

Take a free disciple? Or as a member of a guard?

It doesn't make sense anyway.

Speaking of it, this is still a family affair.

He now understands what Xu Zhi said to himself that night.

Even Xu Zhi, who is Lin Yao's aunt, could not intervene in the Lin family's own internal affairs. He was merely escorting Lin Yao to the destination as a family member, so why did Xiao Yu intervene?

He shook his head slightly, and then continued to concentrate on meditation.

Even if he doesn't want to be irresponsible, the facts require him to put away his compassion.

This is just an **** mission. Don't think about yourself being so great.

The next morning came soon, and after everyone had a rest for the night, they started their journey.

If nothing happens, they will be able to reach the big goal before evening.

In a short while, everyone came under a valley, with cliffs and mountains on both sides, and the Lin Family's guards and Xu Zhi's face became more solemn.

Lin Hu's face also became wary, and the other guards watched from all around, very careful.

Lin Hu exclaimed to Xiao Yu: "Little brother, you have to be careful, we have already arrived in the Wind Bell Valley."

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