Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1163: Uncovered


Lin Hu and the others were furious immediately.

This group of people simply don't know how to praise, are they not afraid of being killed?

They are not only crowded, but also powerful.

"Zhang Shengxiang, do you know what you're talking about!? If you don't let go, we will take action!" Lin Hu gave the final warning.

Zhang Shengxiang glanced at Lin Hu and the others, and said with a smile: "A person in the spiritual realm, the rest of the highest strength is the golden core realm Xiaowan, and there is a kid who hasn't even grown up with hair, do you want to come with this lineup? Stop us?"

Xu Zhi's eyes flashed slightly, she did not speak, but watched the scene quietly.

Lin Hu sneered, "I'm afraid you are blind, we still have..."

Before he spoke, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

I saw Wan Chen, Yang Lifei, and Shen Cheng walking in the direction of Zhang Shengxiang. After reaching the latter's side, they immediately turned around, looked at Xu Zhi and the others faintly, and said: "Sorry, this is Your business."

Lin Hu furiously said, "What do you mean?"

The guards of the Lin family were unknown, so the killing intent in Xu Zhi's eyes disappeared in a flash.

The last Xiao Yu in the crowd narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to think of something.

Wan Chen shrugged and said, "He said just now, to give us face. This matter is the grievance between your Lin Family and the Bloodfang Sect, so we don't have to intervene."

One of the guards said angrily: "You are the Lin family invited to **** the young lady! Don't you be afraid of our Lin family's anger by doing this?"


Yang Lifei laughed and said: "We are hired by your Lin family, yes, but you seem to have made a mistake. Our mission is not to **** you."

As soon as this was said, everyone was unknown, so what did they mean by saying that?

Lin Hu and the others were flushed, startled and angry, but they didn't expect Wan Chen to rebel!

When Lin Yao saw this scene, she was scared and anxious. She hid behind Xu Zhi and held Xu Zhi's hand nervously.

"Auntie..." A timid voice came from Lin Yao's mouth like a mosquito.

Xu Zhi's eyes were cold, although she didn't know it happened, but the situation at this time was already very clear!

"Do you want to die?" Xu Zhi's voice fell, and a kind of cold, killing intent as if from under the Nine Nether rose.

Xiao Yu was slightly surprised, Xu Zhi's strength is so strong! Someone has a great spiritual realm!

Xu Zhi’s name is very famous among those casual cultivators. It is said that her talent can be compared with some disciples of the inner sect of the seven major sects, and even true disciples. This makes many people of the second and third sects extremely Shocked.

In their opinion, why didn't such a talented girl join any sect?

Even if Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng's strength are small in the human spirit, they can't help feeling a kind of coldness.

But Zhang Shengxiang was shocked and said coldly: "Xu Zhi, since we know you are here, don't you think we are not prepared? Shen Cheng!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng took two steps. This scene made Lin Hu and the others even more complex.

"you guys……"

The scar on Shen Cheng's face looked particularly hideous and cold. He said coldly: "We didn't come to **** Lin Yao from beginning to end."

Lin Hu and the others thought that Shen Cheng and the others wanted to be outside, but they didn't expect that they were with Zhang Shengxiang and the others!

Are they not the escorts invited by the elders? How could it be mixed with Bloodfang Sect?

"Go! As long as you kill her, Lin Yao will be in our bag!"

With a cold drink, Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng both rushed over.

"Protect you miss!"

Xu Zhi yelled coldly, and Lin Hu and the others hurriedly stepped forward and surrounded Lin Yao who seemed to be a frightened little rabbit.

And right here, Wan Chen and Yang Lifei rushed towards Lin Hu and the others, with a sneer on their faces: "Shrimp soldiers and crabs, just get out!"

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