Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1175: Yang Xuan

As soon as Xu Zhi said this, her eyes flickered with purple light, and the entire body was covered by a faint purple light, which looked like a dreamlike existence.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but moved.

Xu Zhi, a cold woman, did not expect that the murderous aura on her body was so heavy.

Of course, Xiao Yu also knew that Lin Yao was Xu Zhi's relatives, and the relatives are in trouble, I am afraid that everyone will react like this.

And what Xiao Yu cared more about was the purple light-like energy fluctuations on Xu Zhi, and the purple light butterfly next to him.

This was the first time such a strange demon pet Xiao Yu had met.

In his opinion, the purple light butterfly was not like an ordinary monster, which made Xiao Yu another layer of doubt about Xu Zhi.

Yang Xuan shook his head, his eyes gradually indifferent, and said: "Xu Zhi, I don't have any hatred with you. For the sake of everyone knowing you, don't force me."

"Are you too high on yourself?" Xu Zhiqing said coldly.

Yang Xuan shook his head. Suddenly, his figure swept down from the top of the mountain like a whirlwind. The speed was as fast as an eagle pounced.

"Then I will let you see my strength!"

As Yang Xuan's figure swept down, he suppressed it with a palm in the sky.

"Three Ming Fu Tiger Palm!"

As soon as Yang Xuan shot, he used an amazing mysterious power, suppressed it with a palm, and the air exploded with three roars in succession.

"Boom boom boom!"


Immediately after the roar of anger, a mighty ten-meter-large tiger phantom leaped out of Yang Xuan's fallen figure, and fell down with a fierce and domineering air.

Before that palm fell, the terrifying aura of heaven and earth actually formed a kind of surface subsidence with a radius of ten meters centered on Xu Zhi below.


Xu Zhi's eyes were cold, she was not outdone, and greeted her with a palm.

The white pike was urged out, and a large waterfall was turned upside down.


There was a loud bang, Xu Zhi stepped back several steps one after another, and Yang Xuan also steadily landed on the ground, holding his hands on his back, his face calm.

"You can pick up my three-screaming tiger palm. It seems that your life experience is really not easy."

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, and immediately glanced at the purple butterfly next to him.

Xu Zhi's talent once made Haotianzong covet.

Moreover, Xu Zhi came and went alone, so it was not like an ordinary casual cultivator at all.

And she rarely shot.

He only knew that when he was young, Xu Zhi was about the same age as himself, but he often went into and out of the Lin family, which made him very surprised.

Xu Zhi's life experience and background even gave Yang Xuan a lot of speculations, but even the Lin family didn't know her life experience.

And that time when he personally invited Xu Zhi to enter the Zongmen to become the inner door at the invitation of the Zongmen elder and was rejected, he also lost the initial friendship for Xu Zhi.

For him, the sect has given him powerful cultivation resources, and the sect is everything. It is impossible for him to give up his future for the so-called friends of the past.


Xu Zhi knows that Yang Xuan is very powerful, and the two of them have nothing to say. In that case, either you die or I live!

With a stroke of her hand, Zi Ling swept towards Yang Xuan, and the purple light shot, transforming into an offensive like an aurora.

Yang Xuan snorted coldly, stepped out, and the weather swarmed out, turning into a mask.

"Xu Zhi, if you don't listen to advice, then I can only kill you!"

At the same time, Yang Xuan said solemnly: "They will give it to you."

Yan Fanhao had already swept down, and rushed towards Xiao Yu with a grinning face.

"Zhang Shengxiang, Shen Cheng, let me deal with this kid! Yang Lifei, go catch Lin Yao!"

"Boy, I gave you good luck last time to escape, this time I will return anyway!"

Yan Fanhao's eyes were murderous, I said, Earth Spirit Qiong, I will ask for it, and I want you to return it with the profit!

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