Shura God Emperor

Chapter 118: Xiao Yu participated

Palin said in a voice transmission: "I know you killed the knife in the rain that night. If I guessed it right, did you use the battle formation that night?"

Xiao Yu stared at Pei Lin, and understood in his heart, it turned out that Pei Lin knew that she had fallen into the phantom formation that day, and the battle situation inside.

How mysterious is the deacon of Baoxuan Pavilion?

Abandoning everything and having to say, this condition is indeed tempting.

"Well, Xiao Yu, are you not agreeing? Or are you afraid?" Zhao Tianjian sneered.

Xiao Yu said lightly: "Okay, I will participate."

"Hehe, okay, Xiao Yu, I'll be waiting for you inside." Zhao Tianjian smiled and left with a group of people.

Those who laughed at Xiao Yu looked even more looking forward to it. I'm afraid this is just shooting themselves in the foot, right?

Palin smiled and said, "Brother, don't let your sister down on you."

Xiao Yu looked at Peilin, shook her head and said, "I can only say my best. I can't guarantee the others."

"Haha, it's okay, the sister is waiting for your good news." Pei Lin was about to leave, but Xiao Yu suddenly stopped Pei Lin.

"and many more."

"What else is there, brother?"

Xiao Yu pondered for a while and asked, "Since you know someone assassinated me that night, you should also know the identity of the knife in the rain? Who is trying to move me?"

Palin smiled meaningfully: "I'm afraid you know who is killing you, brother. As for the identity of the knife in the rain, my sister will tell you after you win."

Palin left, Xia Song suddenly came out among the crowd and followed.

"Pelin, why do you believe in Xiao Yu so much? Although he can use battle formations, this type of formation is not so easy to rank. After all, Xiao Yu's time to cultivate formations is too short, so he has to take care of it. Practice." Xia Song asked suspiciously.

Pei Lin told him about Xiao Yu's battle in the fantasy formation that day. He didn't even believe him at the time. In a short period of time, he realized the battle formation. Even if the soul talent has the tenth rank, Isn't it so fast?

"It feels like I believe in Xiao Yu, it's like a hunting meeting."


Xiao Yu waited on the spot, because he was waiting for Tang Ling'er, and not long after, Tang Ling'er pulled a young girl over.

The crowd was amazed wherever the girl passed.

This girl was sixteen years old, with long brown waterfall hair and very pretty, and her beautiful face was a little cold.

Different from Tang Linger's spiritual beauty, this young girl knew that it was the kind of feeling that made people thousands of miles away.

"Tsk tusk, two of the four beauties in the capital are here. If we marry one of them, then I will die."

"Forget it, one is the marshal's daughter, the other is the most talented formation mage, the closed disciple of Master Baijing, how could you be attracted to you?"

This girl is naturally Lan Xinrui.

Both women have extraordinary temperaments, but they have different feelings for their beauty.

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. He could see that Tang Linger and Lan Xinrui seemed to know each other very well.

"Xiao Yu, let me introduce one to you. This is my good friend, Lan Xinrui." Tang Linger introduced.

Xiao Yu politely said, "We met, during the test."

Lan Xinrui couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Yu more, her face a little cold.

This young man had a more powerful soul talent than herself, but she refused the kindness of her teacher. It seemed that she was not small, which made her a little dissatisfied.

When everyone saw the two women coming over, they all showed envy and hatred.

How can this kid He De! It was favored by two beauties!

"So you guys knew each other a long time ago."

Lan Xinrui said indifferently: "No, strictly speaking, we don't know each other."

Xiao Yu smiled, did not speak, as if he understood the reason for Lan Xinrui's attitude.

Tang Linger Bingxue was smart, and she seemed to realize that something was wrong soon. She stared at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, just say, are you bullying sister Xinrui..."


Lan Xinrui looked at Xiao Yu and said, "We came here just now. I heard that you have also participated in the formation competition. If you are forced, I can intercede with the Sixth Prince."

Although Xiao Yu was a little arrogant last time and didn't respect her teacher, but how could Xiao Yu be a friend of her good friend, she didn't want to be too unhappy with E Xiao Yu and embarrass Tang Linger.

In addition, in her impression, Xiao Yu's soul talent is great, but without formal formation training, participating in the Grand Competition is completely ridiculous.

Tang Linger was also surprised: "Xiao Yu, is this true?"

Xiao Yu nodded, and said, "It's nothing to participate. The worst case is to be laughed at."

Lan Xinrui stopped persuading, she had already taken the initiative to help anyway, and the other party didn't appreciate it.

"Ling'er, I will take you to a better location."

Because Xiao Yu participated in the competition, he could not sit in the spectator stand. All the people participating in the competition were prepared. Soon, everyone in the entire venue was looking forward to it.

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