Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1187: Moon Sun Double Star! (on)

Following Yan Fanhao's roar, Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng immediately woke up.

When they began to feel, their faces were full of endless murderous intent.

Yes, usually accompanied by the Golden Core Realm breakthrough to the Human Spirit Realm, although there will be signs of such evolutionary melting, and there will be scenes of crazy absorption of heaven and earth spiritual power, but the strength is also closer to the Human Spirit Realm.

The auras of the human spirit realm and the golden core realm peak are not the same, this is familiar to Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng.

And they felt that the strength of that young man was still the Golden Core Realm Xiao Perfection!

This is simply not in line with the breath of breaking into the human spirit realm!

So they suddenly woke up the spirit of twelve points.

Yes, all of this must be an illusion as Yan Fanhao said. They didn't believe that the Golden Core Realm Xixiaozun could already melt the Golden Core and break into the human spirit realm in one fell swoop.

So the two of them rushed towards Xiao Yu non-stop, their aura was still so huge.

the other side.

Feeling the change of Jin Dan in his body, Xiao Yu also held his breath.

"The golden core is really melted, how is this possible?"

Even Xiao Yu himself couldn't believe that all this was true.

When Xiaolong told himself to condense the power of life on the golden core, Xiao Yu was once puzzled, but now thinking about it, he has made a breakthrough in the realm of strength, but the golden core is the first to melt?

This simply doesn't make sense!

At this time Xiaolong heard the news again, and Xiao Yu was even more surprised after hearing it.

"This kind of life force is an evolutionary life force. The golden core melted because it was stimulated by the life force?"

"That's it!"

Such a miraculous power also shocked Xiao Yu.

Then he looked ecstatic.


He held his breath and took a deep breath, only to see that the spiritual power between heaven and earth was absorbed by him into his body even more violently.

That kind of heaven and earth spiritual power, as soon as it enters his body, it blends into his limbs and a hundred skeletons. The strength and level of that power is simply many times higher than the previous four realms of pill formation.

"That's it, this is the terrifying aspect of heaven and earth spiritual power!"

Xiao Yu immediately moved his mind, immediately held his hand, and circulated Xiaoyao Fu. The spiritual power of heaven and earth was rapidly condensed in his palm.

The intangible, as deep as the waves and the sea, is concentrated in his hands.


Xiao Yu suddenly laughed wildly: "This is the advantage of heaven and earth spiritual power!"

He finally understood that it turned out to be such a thing in the three-day state.

In the past, to use a certain power, it must first be refined, turned into its own power, and stored in the Dantian Qihai or Jin Dan.

But now, that kind of power, as long as you activate your mind and run a certain technique, it can burst out in an instant!

This is a rapid transformation of power!

No wonder the spiritual power of heaven and earth is the symbol of the three-day realm!

No wonder that even if he fights desperately, he is not as easy as Zhang Shengxiang and the others.

That's it!

"Xiao Yu, be careful!"

Suddenly, Lin Hu hurriedly reminded.

Xiao Yu recovered from the excitement, his eyes filled with endless killing intent and stared at the two people who were not only close.

The look in his eyes was like a cold light piercing the void in the dark night.

"It's time to pay your debts!"

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