Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1189: The power of heaven and earth spiritual power

Xiao Yu's meaningful voice sounded, and then he shouted violently: "Blast me!"


Accompanied by two huge vibrations, the Moon and Sun double stars exploded suddenly.

The complexions of Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng suddenly changed, and in a hurry, they quickly developed the strongest mysterious powers.

But is the explosive power of the Moon and Sun Double Stars that they can imagine?

Xiao Yu may not be as strong as Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng in terms of the catalytic strength of heaven and earth spiritual power, but don't forget that the power of Xiaoyao Fu is already almost the top technique in the sect world.

The power of Fu transformed by Xiaoyao Fu comes from the operation of heaven and earth spiritual power, how can it be consistent with the nature of Xiao Yu's use of Fu in the Golden Core Realm?

In addition, the magical powers of the same Profound Grade, the magical powers of the Xiaoyao Sect are below the same level, aren't the people of these third-rate sects equivalent to the little ones?

And they have forgotten one point, there is a powerful container of talent that has been tempered several times——

Physical body!

Therefore, his fighting ability has long been, or has always been surpassed by people of the same level.

Along with two explosions, there were also two screams.

The horrible fluctuation caused by the explosion of the Moon Sun double star immediately turned Shen Cheng's hands into twists.

And Zhang Shengxiang wasn't much better either. The power of the terrifying profound grade supernatural power explosion immediately caused him to tear his mouth apart, and the Bloodfang Knife flew away.

The two of them were shocked tens of meters by the power of the explosion, and both vomited blood.

Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng were stunned, and even Yan Fanhao watched this scene in disbelief.

Lin Yao's frail expression finally recovered a trace of glamour, and Lin Hu and their faces were just as excited.


The so-called, and the bloodtooth sect members who had retreated far away were all dumbfounded.

This kind of almost impossible thing actually happened?

A little perfect kid in the Golden Core Realm, who leapfrogged and successfully wounded a master in the human spirit realm?

Yang Lifei, who had been hiding for a long time, took a breath, and such a terrifying existence had already given him no guts to move forward.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and felt the powerful power given to him by the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. For the first time, he felt that the power of the heavens and the earth was so powerful.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that the human spirit realm only mastered a small part of the heaven and earth spiritual power, and the three-day realm was just a preliminary mastery of the heaven and earth spiritual power.

But even this is enough to benefit Xiao Yu a lot.

"Yan Fanhao!"

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly fell on Yan Fanhao.

His killing intent towards Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng was not enough to kill Yan Fanhao so huge.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu turned into a light and shadow and then rushed over, sticking out with one hand, like a wolf like a tiger.

Yan Fanhao's face was pale, turned around and left, shouting, "Brother, help me!"

Yang Xuan over there was already impatient, Xiao Yu's combat power, talent, and successive actions that surprised them all made him have endless killing intent towards this young man.

This child must die!


Yang Xuan waved his hand, his palms were overwhelming, and the mysterious powers erupted with terrifying coercion, and the purple light butterfly flew like a storm.

The light on the purple light butterfly's body was dim, and he could not get up anymore. It was connected to Xu Zhi's chest, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan turned into an afterimage and swept up, flipping his hand, and a long sword appeared.

"Longge Feihong!"

It was a middle-grade spirit weapon, cut out with a sword, piercing through the void, Changhong seemed to have been killed from the sky, the sword intent was overwhelming, fierce and coercive coexisted.

Xu Zhi's face changed drastically, Yang Xuan was going to kill him!

You know, Yang Xuan is not an ordinary person in the spiritual realm!

He is from the Clear Sky School, the inner door ranks second!

"Xiao Yu, hide away!"

Xu Zhi yelled suddenly. With this sword style, Xiao Yu could be killed instantly!

Even Xu Zhi herself asked herself to resist with a full blow.

Seeing the figure of Yang Xuan rushing over, Yan Fanhao was suddenly overjoyed and laughed wildly: "Boy, you can't kill me!"

"Is it?"

Who knows, Xiao Yu didn't even mean to dodge at all, letting the sword shadow above him plunder and kill him.

Lin Hu and other guards were stunned, Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng grinned.

"Does he not hesitate to lose his life and not dodge? He is looking for death!"

Is Xiao Yu really looking for death?

Immediately after Xiao Yu, Yang Xuan's expression changed...

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