Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1197: Wood meat **** pattern

Xiao Yu was shocked when he said this.

Rhubarb said that with the strength of the current thirty-six small sky world, even if the hands and feet are broken, or even the cultivation base is abolished, it is impossible to restore to the original point.

Unless it is that kind of powerful person who has the supernatural power to reach the heavens, they can be immortal in the flesh, and it will be very difficult to kill them even.

Of course, there is another way, that is, the medicinal effect of the pill is enough to allow people to repair this kind of pill that is big enough to turn a waste into a normal pill.

However, the alchemists in the thirty-six small world also did not have the ability to live and die.

After all, the road to cultivation is very long, if you can have this kind of regeneration ability, then it is equivalent to one more life!

It is like being cut off with a hand, the combat effectiveness is generally greatly affected;

Another example is that the Dantian has been abolished, and the cohesion can't move the spiritual power, and it is no different from an ordinary person. In the eyes of cultivators, this is already a wasteful existence.

Therefore, Xiao Yu was shocked when he heard Lin Yao's awakening turned out to be the power of this regenerative **** pattern.

"What Xiaoyao awakens is something called the Wood Flesh God Pattern, and his rank has reached the second rank of the Earth rank."

Xiao Yu was taken aback again, and Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng's eyes flickered.

The matter of Lin Yao's **** pattern is a secret in itself, only the Lin family knows it, and outsiders will hardly know it.

And Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng also learned from Lin's parents.

The **** pattern has three ranks of heaven, earth and human. In the sect world, only one in millions of people can reach the earth level **** pattern.

For Xiao Yu, the strongest **** pattern rank he had encountered was Zhao Hongli, the eighth rank of human level.

Of course, when he was in the assessment, the Asura **** pattern that broke out was also promoted to the eighth human rank.

Even if his Asura **** pattern is constantly evolving, it is only reaching the ninth human rank!

Above the ninth rank of the human level, it is the first rank of the prefecture level. It is not just a difference of one rank, it is simply another terrifying talent and power.

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of something and asked, "Is this **** pattern used a number of times?"

What he thought was that Lin Yao was wearing a turban, and that half of his face was as dry as bones, very ugly.

After Lin Yao transferred that life force to herself, the other half of Lien also became as dry and ugly as the original half of her face.

Looking at it this way, could it be that Lin Yao has used this power of the **** pattern twice before this happened?

Xu Zhi shook his head and said: "Strictly speaking, it is not counted as it is, but every time it is used, it takes several months to recover. This is the regeneration power of the Wood Flesh God Pattern.

Xiao Yu held his breath, but Lin Yao had such a big secret in her body!

How many people have to make this kind of life force crazy?

Could it be that the Clear Sky School took Lin Yao for this kind of life force?

Maybe it was because Lin Yao was the daughter of Lin Zhennan, and Qingyunyu was backed by Xiaoyaomen, so he used this method?

Xiao Yu immediately cast a questioning look at Xu Zhi, and Xu Zhi shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

Then the eyes of the two fell on Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng coldly.

Haotianzong joined the Lin family elders, and even Lin Zhennan, the daughter of the Patriarch, tried to take away. This is definitely not a simple matter!

"Say! Why did Haotianzong get Lin Yao!" Xiao's eyes were fierce, like a beast staring at a rabbit.

Zhang Shengxiang and Shen Cheng shuddered, and they quickly explained the reason.

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