Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1208: When my Qu family is no one!

Even without Qu Wei's words, Xiao Yu's drink had already shocked the entire Qu family.

Even if the masters of the Qu family didn't have to shout from Qu Wei, they would already come out in a swarm, immediately surrounding Xiao Yu.

The other masters who participated in the guard contest did not understand what had happened and retreated to the edge of the courtyard wall.

Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent, without any fluctuations in his expression.

Invisible, it was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, that kind of arrogance, that kind of posture, it didn't put the people around him in his eyes.

The strength of these Qu family's guards was basically in the late Golden Core Realm, the realm of Small Perfection. For Xiao Yu, this was just a matter of suppression with one hand.

"Boy, who are you and why come to my Qu's house to make trouble!" Qu Wei asked angrily.

At first he only thought he had picked up a genius, but he didn't expect to come to kick the restaurant.

The people around knew that this young boy had terrible strength, but even more unexpectedly he was here to make trouble.

"This kid's head is definitely broken. If you dare to make trouble at Qu's house, aren't you afraid of Clear Sky School?"

"Who knows, didn't you hear it just now? Just now this kid seemed to be looking for the young master of the Qu family? And he seemed to say that the young master of the Qu family mainly married this kid's sister?"

"That's not right," someone suddenly woke up and said, "Isn't it rumored that Shao Qu's family mainly married Lin Yao of the Lin family of Qingyunyu a month ago? Is this kid from the Lin family?"

Everyone was at a loss, but Xiao Yu's face remained the same. Faced with so many experts, he said indifferently: "Go away, I don't want to kill innocent people."

No one knew that in the depths of Xiao Yu's eyes, an astonishing murderous intent was brewing.

From that night on, Xiao Yu had decided to come to Qu's family to settle accounts.

Even though this matter had nothing to do with the Qu family, Xiao Yu also knew that Clear Sky School was behind it.

The Haotian School couldn't be shaken now, and the Lin Family couldn't go back temporarily, so Xiao Yu could only pour Lin Yao's harm on the Qu Family.

In this case, the Qu family was an accomplice, so Xiao Yu would take the lead in taking the Qu family to operate!

Qu Wei heard that Xiao Yu didn't mean to surrender at all, and immediately became even more angry: "Come on, take him down, if you resist, kill him!"

With such an order from Qu Wei, a total of twenty or thirty guards from the Qu family immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu let out a cold cry, stepped out, and the aura of the gathering of heaven and earth's spiritual power suddenly exploded, like ocean waves beating crimes, and the waves are raging.

These are the people of the four realms of pill formation, how can they stand the aura of heaven and earth spiritual power?

"Boom boom!"

The guards of the Qu family were shocked and flew out one after another. This scene immediately shocked the crowd.

"That momentum just now... Heaven and Earth spiritual power?"

"How is it possible? This kid is not in the Golden Core Realm!"

Qu Wei only felt that his face was a little furious, this kid was simply lawless!

But Qu Wei also felt the breath of heaven and earth spiritual power.

Do not! It can't be true!

Qu Wei immediately denied that his Golden Core Realm peak hadn't reached that level, let alone this kid.

Besides, how could the four realms of core formation have this ability to control the spiritual power of heaven and earth?

"Boy, do you really think I am dead?"

Qu Wei roared, and he reached out with one hand into his claws, and the cold light condensed on his five fingers, as if he could live or die.

Xiao Yu stepped out in one step, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth was instantly transformed into the power of endowment. He stretched his hand up and grabbed the void.


An invisible aura, like a sledgehammer, turned into an invisible top pressure and was severely suppressed.


Qu Wei was lying on the ground like a dead dog, with a broken jaw.

The complexion of the entire compound changed drastically.

"It's terrifying, this kid has such a strong control ability!"

Xiao Yu walked to the front of Qu Wei, glanced around, and looked down at Qu Wei, who was seven meat and eight elements. He lifted one foot and was about to trample on Qu Wei's head.

Everyone couldn't help but pale. They believed that this young man's kick was enough to make Qu Wei's head become smashed.

"Presumptuous! Do you really treat my Qu family as no one!"

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