Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1216: Zilin Fist

Xiao Yu gave a long roar, and the Seven Star Sword was put away. In the white mist, the young man's fist suddenly clenched, and he didn't dare to care. come out.

Although everyone's sight was disturbed by this white misty environment, they were not ordinary people after all, and they still felt Xiao Yu's movement.

"This kid is just looking for death, do you want to use his body to resist the Young Patriarch's Yunwu Art?"

"Huh! The Cloud and Mist Technique is the white mist spiritual power transformed by the gathering of heaven and earth spiritual power. It seems to be scattered, but once it is condensed as an attack, the degree of compression can even exceed the actual attack of the same rank.

"That's right, coupled with the fact that the Young Patriarch is Xiaocheng in the Earth Spirit Realm, there is a difference of two realms. I don't believe this kid can easily pass this time!"

Everyone was discussing like this, and there was a look of disdain in their eyes.

The damage to the Qu family this time is really too great. If this kid is not killed, what is the majesty of the Qu family?

Xiao Yu also knew that the spiritual realm was much stronger than himself.

In his current situation, being able to kill the peak of the spiritual realm was already his limit.

And this Qu Fan actually possessed the strength of the Earth Spirit Realm Xiaocheng, which was enough to make Xiao Yu feel solemn.

You must know that the Earth Spirit Realm and the Human Spirit Realm will become even higher in the control of the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Power.

If the human spirit realm masters the heaven and earth spiritual power is the stream, then the earth spirit realm masters the river, and the heaven spiritual realm is the sea.

The difference between the three is the strength of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the amount of spiritual power contained within.

Xiao Yulun moved an arm, and the purple unicorn roared out, turning into a giant fist of purple light.

The purple light appeared extremely psychedelic in the hazy white mist, and everyone felt the moment when Xiao Yu fisted out, and the surging fluctuations immediately annihilated the white mist in that area.

"What kind of power is that?"

Feeling this breath of blood and blood that made people feel surging, the Qu family felt shocked.


When Changhong Bailian came into contact with Xiao Yu's fist, it suddenly exploded. The horrible wave directly caused a gust of wind at the contact point, and all the white mist was swept away.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Everyone fixed their eyes and saw that Xiao Yu's figure had just stepped back.

"So this is the strength of the Earth Spirit Realm." Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed.

Sure enough, the difference between the spiritual realm of this place and the human spiritual realm was by many times, because of Xiao Yu's own realm, this was already his limit.

"Oh?" Qu Fan raised his brows and said indifferently, "You really have two shots, you can even follow my blow."

Although he was surprised, if he were replaced by an ordinary Golden Core Realm Great Perfection, he would have died no less than a hundred times, but this kid would have such power.

But more, his eyes are full of disdain and a kind of killing intent.

"Well, the game is over, die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qu Fan took the initiative to attack. This time he suppressed it with a palm, and endless clouds and mist condensed on his palm, turning into a huge cloud and mist in the palm of his hand, and flew up.

"Cloud Killing Palm!"

What surprised Xiao Yu was that in the flying sky of this cloud palm, countless white mists of heaven and earth transformed into the spiritual power of heaven and earth swirled around, swelling into a hundred meters in the wind.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wherever the giant palm passed, the floor cracked inch by inch, dragging a long trace.

"What an amazing palm position! This palm position should have reached the top level of mysterious power." Xiao Yu was filled with surprise.

This Qu Fan is really extraordinary, but would Xiao Yu admit defeat like this?

In the dimness, Xiao Yu's wrist turned, and the power of the purple lin was endless, and a purple unicorn appeared behind Xiao Yu.

"Zi Lin Fist!"

Xiao Yu yelled violently, **** like a turbulent river, ten thousand horses galloping, and the entire Qu family mansion was crumbling.

Then with his arm's turn, a mighty and mighty purple unicorn leaped, and the barren beast roared, shaking a space...

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