Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1225: They are lying

If this is not the explanation, why did Shen become a lie?

Isn't the reason to lie because you want to fool Lin Yi and the others?

But you know, Shen Cheng knew that this plan was jointly planned by Lin Yi and Yang Xuan.

In other words, Shen Cheng knew that Lin Xia, Lin Guangrui, and Lin Yi and the others were about to betray the Lin family and were ready to take action against Lin Zhennan.

And Shen Cheng surrendered to the casual cultivator. Looking at it this way, isn't their plan exposed?

Everyone is not stupid, their eyes are fixed on Xu Zhi and Xiao Yu.

The atmosphere of the entire venue instantly became quiet.

Even almost, some of the Lin family masters have secretly brewed spiritual power.

If Xu Zhi and Xiao Yu really knew their plan, then the best way would be to preemptively and kill people!

Xiao Yu was indifferent on the surface and sneered inwardly, but he was not afraid at all.

Just like what Lin Hu said before he came, this group of people was really moved to kill people, but Xiao Yu was not afraid, because he had a happy family behind him.

The eyes of the great elder Lin Xia flickered somewhat uncertainly.

"If they really know the plan, why do they still have the guts to come back? Are they not afraid of us?"

"Is it possible to rely on Lin Zhennan?"

"Lin Zhennan is already a sick child. If you really want both sides to fight to the death, you will lose both sides at best."

Everyone is guessing, scrupulous, and even uneasy.

This incident itself was that they were wrong in the first place. After all, it was a betrayal of the family and was broken through. Naturally, there was a feeling of killing.

The venue was quiet for several minutes, but Xiao Yu broke the silence and said indifferently: "Don't be so anxious, after Shen Cheng and Zhang Shengxiang surrendered, the master didn't act cruel, and then let them go."

With that said, everyone was suddenly relieved, but Lin Xia's eyes still fell on Xiao Yu, somewhat suspicious.

"Then why are you back?"

Xu Zhi faintly said: "Our group was injured. The master arranged for us to cultivate. We will return naturally when we are almost cultivated. We don't know what else happened."

Lin Yi asked again: "Then who is that master? Do you have a clue?"

"No, he didn't tell us the identity." Xiao Yu shook his head.

The so-called masters were naturally made up by them halfway through, otherwise all of this would be difficult to explain and would make them more suspicious.

"Okay, elders, we are traveling long distances and we are tired. Let's go to rest first." Xu Zhi didn't want to stay here anymore.

Xu Zhi said directly, Xuan Even and Xiao Yu turned around and walked out the door.

Lin Yi immediately stepped up when he saw this. Xiao Yu's expression was stern, and Xu Zhi coldly said, "Second elder, what do you mean?"

Lin Yi stared at Xu Zhi, and did not speak for a while.

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart, it seemed that they had already begun to doubt, are they really about to start doing it?

Lin Yi's dignified expression suddenly eased, and he smiled: "Miss Xu Zhi, I'm laughing. I want to say that you have worked hard in this line. Take a good rest. When we find the opportunity, we will definitely ask the Qu family."

After saying this, he gave way, and Xiao Yu and Xu Zhi left.

After the two of them left, Lin Xia called Lin Yi, and there were several important Lin family seniors.

"What do you think of them?" Lin Xia asked.

In the conversation between Xiao Yu and Xu Zhi just now, they didn't mean to believe it all.

Lin Yi said in a deep voice: "If it is really like what they said, who is the casual cultivator who saved them? Why did Shen Cheng come back to tell us that Lin Yao was taken away and Yang Xuan was killed?"

All this is too contradictory, leaving everyone unclear.

"There is only one possibility." Silent Lin Guangrui suddenly said.

Several people looked at him.

"They are lying."

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