Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1227: Spiritual Realm

The last time he came out of retreat, before going to the Qu family, Xiao Yu had already felt that his soul was about to break through. It was just that after returning to the Bloodfang Sect from Zhongyang City, he had to rush back to the Lin family, so there was no good environmental breakthrough.

But after returning to Lin's house, Xiao Yu felt that a crisis would approach.

So he has to improve his overall strength.

In the second world space, Xiao Yu sat on the comprehension platform, and with the comprehension platform and this chaotic world, Xiao Yu's sentiment could be added to the cake.

I saw a turbid sea full of endless suspended power. This was Xiao Yu's soul sea.

The soul is more like an illusory, but a real thing.

Because it may be too mysterious, every time the realm increases, the ocean will become more chaotic.

"It's a pity that my Divine Soul Dao is only the upper part of it. It can only allow me to cultivate the soul realm. There are many things without specific explanation."

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that ordinary soul cultivators also passed a soul cultivation technique, and then began to practice alchemy, refining tools, and even formations.

Maybe even if Xiao Yu asked a great master of formation, they might not be able to explain clearly.

Of course, the improvement of the soul realm and the strength of the soul have a level of feeling, and the best is reflected in the level of the formation.

After half a month of enlightenment in the Second World, that is, more than a day outside, Xiao Yu finally started to feel a little impetuous on the boundless sea of ​​souls.

Those chaotic energy fluctuations are like ants on a hot pot, jumping around, as if they are being catalyzed.

Immediately afterwards, with a "boom", the entire soul ocean seemed to explode, and the entire soul ocean became even more turbid, but what made Xiao Yu feel strange was that there were some like white light in this muddy ocean. The same star point.

These star points are scattered in various places in the ocean of souls, but it is these light points that make the turbid ocean of souls look a little glamorous.

"Spiritual Realm?"

Such a word suddenly appeared in Xiao Yu's mind. This was the first time that Xiao Yu had cultivated the power of the soul for so long, and had developed a realm awareness of the soul.

"Achieving the title of Great Master, is it the Spirit Realm?"

Xiao Yu Fangfo regained a new perception.

Before, he could be considered ignorant and started the cultivation of Soul Dao, which was his first contact with formation.

Now, he has a deeper understanding of the soul.

But anyway, Xiao Yu finally broke through this layer of film.

"I have to comprehend an array now, and then use the Tianmu God array to strengthen it."

One of the benefits brought to Xiao Yu by the Divine Soul Dao was the ability to comprehend the formation.

Under normal circumstances, you need the scrolls of the formation to practice formation, but Xiao Yu doesn't need it.

And now, the change in Xiao Yu's soul's mind caused him to open the ocean of formations in the Divine Soul Dao.

"Nether Killing Formation, Lingfeng Split Formation, Five Shadows trapped in cage formation..."

Xiao Yu counted all the formations one by one.

"These are all five-level formations!?"

Xiao Yu was shocked. If the formation master knew that Xiao Yu had such a sea of ​​formations, perhaps Xiao Yu would be chased to the end of the world, especially the Purple Spirit Sect, which was dominated by formations.

If Xiao Yu has obtained the most precious treasure, it can be said that the formation is one of his hole cards. Now that he has such a sea of ​​formations, it also saves the time to search for formations to practice.

"The soldiers are expensive but not too expensive. I have to find a suitable five-level formation to practice..."

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