Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1236: Please be worshipped by Lin

Xiao Yu knew that Lin Zhennan was suffering from his heart at this time.

When the family elder proposed to send Lin Yao to Qu's house in exchange for a medicine that could cure his strange disease, it seemed that Lin Zhennan strongly opposed it.

But the considerate Lin Yao stood up and sacrificed herself to save Lin Zhennan.

Lin Zhennan repeatedly vetoed it, but Lin Yao and the high-level elders of the family insisted repeatedly, and even the relationship with the elders became very stiff in the end, and in the end they could only barely compromise.

Lin Zhennan felt sorry for Lin Yao at that time, but now?

Now that he knew the specific truth, Lin Zhennan didn't even know how to face Lin Yao.

That is his own biological daughter!

How can I do such a thing?

Do you sacrifice Lin Yao's happiness for the sake of your paternal position?

Lin Zhennan was in deep self-blame and shame, Xiao Yu comforted: "Patriarch Lin, don’t blame yourself, Xiao Yao also knows that it’s not your fault. All of this is their fault. Now the most critical issue. It is to get rid of these malignant tumors. Since this is already a fact, the only way to prevent things from getting worse, because you still have Xiao Yao and the entire Lin family."

The so-called waking up the person in the dream is just like that. Lin Zhennan's body was shocked, and his whole body was glowing with a sharp aura, and his eyes became piercing.

"Xiao Yu, what you said is right, I am responsible for the wrong things I did!"

Immediately, his eyes flickered, killing intent rushing in his eyes, and he sternly said: "The first elder, the second elder, Lin Guangrui, I didn't expect you to be such a person, my Lin family has hundreds of years of inheritance, you never want to take it from me! If you are a traitor, then I will deal with you in addition! I will never let you hurt the Lin Family a single cent!"

The aura on Lin Zhennan's body is very strong, like a rolling volcano about to erupt.

Maybe it was because he tried too hard, his face paled again, and his breath faded like a tide.

Xiao Yu immediately said: "Patriarch Lin, don't get angry. It's still the main thing to rest now. We are dark now, they are revealing, and their purpose has been aborted. I think we can't make any waves for the time being.

Of course, Xiao Yu has not said that if they really have any conspiracy and tricks, with his strength, he is really not afraid!

Lin Zhennan took a deep breath and tried to calm down the murderous intent and anger in his heart.

"Xiao Yu, what you said is right, my strength has not yet returned to the peak, head-to-head with them will only hurt both sides, and may even affect the innocent Lin family."

Immediately after Lin Zhennan looked at Xiao Yu, the color of surprise in his eyes became more intense. Whether it was his character, his composure and courage, he was definitely the best choice.

Especially when I heard Xiao Yu dared to go to Qu's house alone, I admired the courage of this young man.

"Xiao Yu, if it were not for you, Xiaoyao and my Lin family's century-old foundation would probably be ruined. Please be worshipped by Lin!"

Lin Zhennan is affectionate and loyal. Without Xiao Yu, I am afraid that Lin Yao and the Lin family would have never known what it would become.

By then, even under Jiuquan, Lin Zhennan would be ashamed of the ancestors of the Lin family.

Xiao Yu immediately supported him and shook his head and said, "Xiaoyao saved my life. The Lin family is another family of our Xiaoyaomen. I have to help anyhow. Now Patriarch Lin takes a rest for a while, and other things await us. Just watch the changes. After all, the Lin family will have to rely on the Lin family leader."

After listening to Xiao Yu's experience, Lin Zhennan also knew that the Lin family must have been stared at by the Qu family and Haotianzong at this time. The most important thing now is that he should quickly recover his strength.

Xiao Yu flipped his hand and a small jade bottle appeared.

"Patriarch Lin, this is for you, it can speed up your recovery."

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