Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1240: Straight to the point

Lin Xia, father and son, and Lin Yi stared at Xiao Yu, the atmosphere of the venue became very strange and quiet.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding." Xiao Yu smiled softly.

"I also know that the little brother is joking, please take a seat." Lin Xia said with kind eyes.

After the hall, Lin Xia, Lin Guangrui, and Lin Yi stood at the top, while the other Lin family masters were on the right, with stools and tables already placed on the left.

Xiao Yu also sat down politely, took a sip of tea, and said flatly, "I don't know what you want to ask me?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's posture, everyone felt very unhappy.

Although this young man came from the Xiaoyao Sect, he only had the strength of the Golden Core Realm, and he was still putting on such a big air. It was simply too shameful to give them the Lin Family's face.

Maybe so, they want to get rid of Xiaoyaomen even more.

"The Xiaoyao Sect has fallen, this kid is still so arrogant, does he really not understand the current situation of the Xiaoyao Sect?"

"It's no wonder that Xiaoyaomen will decline, and there will be such disciples. It seems that we were right to stand in line early in the morning."

All these people despise Xiao Yu in their hearts, and they have even more disliked Xiaoyaomen.

As Lin Guangrui's most promising person to inherit the Patriarch, it was also unhappy to see Xiao Yu's behavior.

"Boy, you'd better tell the truth later, or you will suffer."

Lin Guangrui asked on the surface: "We want to know what happened that day."

Xiao Yu put down his tea cup, glanced at Lin Guangrui, and said, "What happened? Didn't we make it clear last time?"

Lin Yi said indifferently: "What we want is not what you said last time, what we want is specific."

"Then I don't know what the specific point you said is worth?" Xiao Yu glanced at Lin Yi diagonally.

Lin Yi was speechless and didn't know what to say.

But Lin Guangrui still spoke. He looked directly at Xiao Yu's eyes and said, "What we want to know is, what is the relationship between you and the cultivator who suddenly appeared? And what did Shen Cheng say to you?"

this is the key of the problem.

Yang Xuan hasn't heard from him for so long.

And they said that a casual repairer appeared and saved them, and both Shen Cheng and Zhang Shengxiang surrendered.

Did Shen Cheng talk to Xu Zhi and others about the Lin family's betrayal?

If this is not the explanation, why would Shen Cheng come back to deliver false news?

The key to the answer, they think, lies with Xu Zhi and this kid.

Lin Yao, Lin Hu and the others belonged to the Lin family, of course it was impossible to press them, so they chose Xiao Yu as the target.

Everyone was staring at Xiao Yu, as if they wanted to draw some conclusions from Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu put down the teacup, smiled lightly, and said, "Well, let's not be sloppy and straightforward, okay?"

Straight to the point?

What is this kid talking about?

Only Lin Xia's eyes were still staring at Xiao Yu, and her eyes flashed slightly.

"What do you mean by this?" Lin Yi asked coldly.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yu raised his brows, and immediately sneered, "I should ask you this."

"You care about our relationship with Shen Cheng so much. Did Shen Cheng know some of your ulterior secrets? You are afraid that we have insights, so you came here to probe my tone?"

The face of the group changed suddenly, and Lin Yi quickly said: "Don't talk nonsense, kid! What secrets can we have!?"

Xiao Yu stared at Lin Guangrui suddenly and sneered: "Do you remember what you said just now?"

Lin Guangrui frowned, and Lin Xia's face suddenly sank.

No one knows why.

"You just said, what Shen Cheng said to us, let me guess, you care about Shen Cheng so much, is it because Shen Cheng has something with you, and you are afraid of things going down, so I asked Shen Cheng whether he exposed you? Conspiracy thing?"

Immediately, Xiao Yu took the case and shouted coldly: "You still said that you have no secrets! Shen Chengcheng is with you traitors!"

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