Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1243: Isolation barrier

Lin Xia shouted so violently, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly agitated in the whole hall.

A transparent energy shield suddenly expanded in the entire hall, lighting up a halo.

Xiao Yu's face was still as calm as water, and Lin Yi sneered triumphantly: "Boy, you should never be against our Lin family. If you are willing to let go of your posture, maybe we will save your life early in the morning. Xiaoyaomen."

The audience stared at Xiao Yu with triumphant smiles, like catching a turtle in an urn.

If I was afraid of Xiao Yu before, it was because I was afraid of the Xiaoyao door behind Xiao Yu.

But it's different now.

The kid himself went to death and said that Yang Xuan was killed by him. In this way, they could use Xiao Yu's head to go to the Clear Sky School to claim credit. By then, Xiaoyao Sect would also be unreasonable.

"You have no chance. Do you want to die happily now, or do you want us to kill you slowly?" Lin Yi looked determined.

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled. There was a kind of indifference and ridicule in his smile.

"Boy, what are you still laughing at when you die?" one of the Lin family masters said coldly.

Lin Xia and his son stared at Xiao Yu, and the expressions of disdain in their eyes became more intense.

In this case, do you still want to play any tricks?

Xiao Yu glanced around at the people present, and if he took a closer look, he could find that there was a deep but murderous cold light deep in his eyes.

"I thought that if you found a few people and created an isolation barrier, you can catch turtles in the urn? You look down on yourself too much."

At this point, the faces of all the people were moved.

Even Lin Xia and Lin Guangrui narrowed their eyes, and a kind of killing intent spread out.

Lin Yi was even more unbelievable. They were looking for the "Four Seals", who was especially famous for their enchantment formations, to come to this enchantment.

The purpose is to open this enchantment in case the two sides come to a dead fish and the net is broken.

At that time, even Lin Xia didn't even think about killing this kid through this barrier.

Because in their opinion, Xiao Yu's strength is really too weak, so weak that there is no need for a big fight.

And at that time, they didn't even think about killing Xiao Yu, they just wanted Xiao Yu to tell specific things.

This barrier is more of a way to prevent Xiao Yu from resisting.

And now, as a last resort, Lin Xia asked the people of the Four Seal Sect to activate the barrier, with the goal of killing Xiao Yu.

Who knows, Xiao Yu actually knew that they had fallen into a barrier!

"Why? Surprised, right? Since I walked in, I knew that someone was lying in ambush. If I had left at that time, do you think you could trap me now?" Xiao Yu's words showed a chic and confident expression. attitude.

Lin Yi angrily pointed at Xiao Yu and said, "Boy, what you mean is that you came in on purpose? Don't you be afraid of death!"

Lin Xia and the others are getting more and more serious towards Xiao Yu.

This kid is simply too arrogant.

The remarks just now seemed to be saying--

I knew your tricks a long time ago. I came in just to see what monkey show you were playing.

Doesn't this mean that this kid looked down on them from beginning to end?

The gathered here, but most of the masters of the Lin family!

How could this kid He De look down on them?

Could it be that they were afraid of killing him because he was a freelancer?

"It's really a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky, then I'll see, what do you have to rely on! Do it!" Lin Guangrui's eyes dazzled, and he snorted immediately.

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