Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1249: The devil, be cut!

Facing the offensive of the three of Lin Xia and the others, the lightsaber in Xiao Yu's hand volleyed, and the starlight formed a perfect circle of light.

This aperture is like a ripple caused by a huge rock thrown into the lake. With Xiao Yu as the center, the sword light flashes, and the vigor generated by the dazzling brilliance is as if everything can be cut to pieces.

In an instant, Xiao Yu's sword cut out a more dazzling and fierce sword intent than when he was in Qu's house.

The invincible sword intent and the eternal smell exuded made the three pupils of Lin Xia shrink.

In any case, they couldn't imagine that this young man could come out with a spiritual weapon even more terrifying than just now.

The kind of looking down on the common people, that kind of vast space of sword intent that makes them feel insignificant, makes them realize that they are just like ants in the world.

"Boom boom!"

A sonorous collision sounded, and Xiao Yu instantly broke the three men's swords.

The Three Nether Killing Sword Formation that had broken the silver rim light shield was actually broken.

Xiao Yu was holding the Seven-Star Sword, his whole person was like a dazzling star, and any sword intent that was close to him was cut into nothingness.

"not good!"

Lin Xia's expression changed abruptly. After their sword was broken, the aftermath of the sword intent swarmed over like a mighty wave.

"Hurry up!"

Lin Xia roared and quickly cut out several knives. The sword force condensed into a powerful sword cover in front of him, and the gray-black yin and evil power was crisscrossing the entire space with the terrifying vigor.

Lin Guangrui's face was also pale, but he didn't dare to underestimate it at all, and used his strongest blow to quickly dissolve this terrifying sword style.


The sky is full of stars, and the remaining prestige remains!

Xiao Yu was determined to kill these people who had something to do with the Demon Cultivator and clear the door for the Lin family, so how could he keep his hands.

The sword light was still as dazzling as the brilliance, Lin Yi's pupils shrank, and the horrible sword-like aftermath suddenly enveloped him.


Accompanied by a scream, the hurricane-like vigor swept through and destroyed the entire hall without enchantment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The hall turned into endless gravel, dust, and sawdust.

Suddenly, the entire Lin family was shocked by this shock, and Lin Zheng outside the door was even more shocked, hiding far away.

"This... what happened?"

He had been guarding the door just now, but what shocked him was that the main hall was broken!

Isn't there a barrier?

Could it be that the battle that erupted in it could not be bound by the connection world?


As the dust dissipated, the scene inside was revealed. When he saw this scene, Lin Zheng was shocked, and his whole body was shaking.

Above the ruins, there are many more broken walls, of course, there are also blood, residual limbs, and pieces of meat from the corpse.


Lin Xia and Lin Guangrui tried their best to resist this offensive, but Lin Yi did not have such good luck.

His strength is one level weaker than the two of them. Just in the defusing offensive just now, Lin Yi's hands were directly cut off by the terrifying sword intent.

At this time, Lin Yi's face was pale and turned into a handless man struggling on the ground.

"Boy!!!" Lin Xia's eyes were cracking, and the killing intent in his eyes was like a vulture.

There was no expression on Xiao Yu's face, nor any pity.

"Demons, be cut!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu raised his sword to kill again...

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