Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1252: Kill Lin Guangrui

It's terrifying, this kid is terrifying.

Two people were at the peak of their spiritual realm, and one was great in their spiritual realm, and even dispatching this kind of spiritual weapon that contained the power of a strange corpse could not kill this young man.

Lin Xia was completely convinced that the movement in Qu's house was definitely caused by this young man.

The strength of Qu Hua at the pinnacle of the Qu family's spiritual realm was equal to him, but I heard that he was forced to have no strength to fight back, and he was even waiting for death in the end!

And the two of them were at the pinnacle of the spiritual realm, and one of the great spiritual realms was killed in such an embarrassing situation. Do they still have a chance of winning?

He already felt a horror of death enveloped in his heart.

That kind of jealousy, trembling, as if seeing a ghost, gave birth to a thought--


Yes, their plan has been ruined, and even the hole cards have been exposed, can the Lin Family still accommodate them?

the answer is negative.

If you don't escape now, what awaits them is death!

Lin Guangrui and his thoughts are completely that his whole person is already stunned and thunderous, even as if his world has been subverted.

This is simply impossible to happen, but it happened in front of my own eyes!

Suddenly, Lin Guangrui flinched, this kid is simply a monster who didn't know where it came from!

When did such an evil genius appear in Xiaoyaomen!

But he doesn't care so much anymore, the only thing he thinks of now is to run away!

Lin Guangrui turned around and was about to flee, but Xiao Yu seemed to understand everything, indifferent and sounded like a chasing soul with a murderous voice——

"Lin Guangrui, you betrayed the Lin family, even betrayed my Xiaoyaomen, do you want to escape? Cut it again!"

The Seven-Star Sword once again filled the sky with radiance, turning into a golden thread, as if it could separate the earth.

"Do not!!!"

Lin Xia's pupils shrank to the size of a pinhole, and he was relatively far away from Xiao Yu, but looking at that sword glow, his heart became completely blank.

Don't say it was him, the onlookers held their breath after seeing this scene.

The golden thread condensed into an aurora, which instantly cut Lin Guangrui in half.

Yes, it is two halves!

Like a mud cow into the sea, like blowing and breaking hair!

Xiao Yu didn't keep any hands, no ambiguity, and no mercy.

Lin Xia's eyes will all turn red. Lin Guangrui is his son and his sustenance, but now his own son has been beheaded on the spot, and there is no force to fight back.

What else does he rely on?

"Lin Xia, tell the truth, I will let Patriarch Lin deal with you." Xiao Yu stared at Lin Xia coldly.

Now it seems that Lin Xia is definitely related to the demon repairer, or is a demon repairer herself.

What is the cultivator? It is the remnant power of Black Cliff World in Zongmen World!

They are going to swallow and invade the world of the sect and become their back garden!

If they really succeed, the world of the sect is bound to set off a **** storm.

This level of war, in Wu Chen's words, was already enough to affect the spatial stability of the entire Thirty-Six Small Sky World.

This is simply in contrast to the scene of the massacre that Guimingmen had set off in the Chenbei Dynasty.

Xiao Yu was certainly not a savior, nor a great hero. He was just doing what he could to do his best.

Because the sect world has his relatives, his friends, and people he cares about!

So, in any case, as long as he can do it and he knows it, he will try his best to stop it!

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