Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1255: Murder (Part 1)

"That is……"

Xiao Yu's face was very gloomy and ugly.

The shadow was only a kilometer away, but he didn't feel it at all!

Until the moment when the black light flashed, Xiao Yu was shocked, just because he couldn't forget the familiar breath.

And he confronted it not long ago.

Yes, it is the power of evil!

A sharp light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, and he stomped his feet, his figure was like a glimpse of light, and he suddenly chased him.

"It's a magic repairer!"

Although the aura was very weak, Xiao Yu was 100% sure that the moment when the aura killed Lin Xia, the "pure" evil power was more powerful than the ghosts he encountered, or Lin Xia. The likes of Xia and his sons are much more concentrated.

This feeling is like the sea and the river.

Although the sea is big, it is very turbid and contains many impurities.

Although the river is small, it is crystal clear.

That aura might not be so powerful, it might even have a strength similar to Lin Xia, but that level of purity was the first time Xiao Yu had encountered.

He used his entire body's strength and suddenly rushed out. In just a few seconds, Xiao Yu had reached a kilometer accident.

The black shadow seemed to be aware of Xiao Yu's difficulties, and his speed increased again, revealing a long black shadow that looked like a meteor tail, and disappeared into Xiao Yu's sight in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yu's eyes gradually became cold, and his speed gradually slowed down.

Yes, even if his heart and soul were released at the moment of Lin Xia's death, and even locked such a trace of breath, he was finally escaped by the black shadow.

Seeing the dark shadow that went far away, Xiao Yu's eyes were surprised and uncertain.

The demon cultivator who suddenly smashed out was something he hadn't expected. He originally thought that Lin Xia could be captured with a tenth of a hundred degrees, and he went back to interrogate him immediately.

But now he was killed!

This made Xiao Yu feel that the strength of these demons was not only simple, but there was definitely some conspiracy!

Unexpectedly, the thing that Xiao Yu worries most seems to have happened.

These cultivators may not only invade one of the seven sects, they may even penetrate into various places in the world of sects!

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, his eyes chilled, and he muttered to himself, "These demons are really pervasive! It seems that you have to discuss with Elder Wen and the others on a long-term basis."

Lin Xia was dead, and Xiao Yu's plan was ruined.

But even if he died, Xiao Yu didn't dare to take it lightly, because the matter was not over.

He turned around and returned to the Lin family.


On the other side, after the black shadow sensed that the aura behind him gradually faded away, it also suddenly changed one direction, and immediately moved in another direction.

After a quarter of an hour, in the depths of the woods ahead, a tall man wearing a black robe and a face full of cold white was waiting.

"call out!"

After the black shadow came, he could see his figure clearly, also in a black robe, with a thin face, and his eyes gloomy like a bald eagle under the night light.

However, the face of the later man was very ugly. The tall black robe man turned around, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's really useless! Lin Guangrui and their plan failed." The thin black robe man said in a deep voice.

The tall man finally frowned deeply and said, "What's the matter?"

The thin black-robed man even simply told the story.

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