Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1261: VIP (Part 1)

The entire Lin family was shocked by the shock, and they all ran out of the gate.

When they saw the Qu family's children headed by Qu Fan, their expressions changed drastically.

They had heard the news that most of the masters of the Qu family in Zhongyang City were killed. At that time, the Qu family was surprised by someone who claimed to be Lin Yao's brother.

Did their lady ever have a brother?

Lin Zhennan has only one Lin Yao!

No matter how they can't figure it out, they are all worried, just because this matter involves the Lin family.

Unexpectedly, now, the Qu family is really coming!

And even said that he wanted to step down the Lin family!

The children of the Lin family were shocked and angry immediately.

Zhongyangyu and Qingyunyu have always kept the river water in the well. It was only because Lin Zhennan asked for medicine from the Qu family in Zhongyangyu a while ago that he had to marry the Qu family.

Then there was an accident midway. Lin Xia and the Haotianzong people wanted to abduct Lin Yao midway, and a mysterious powerhouse appeared to help them to escape.

Of course, the Lin family is not stupid, they naturally thought that the so-called marriage is false, and the so-called medicine is definitely a trap!

Everything was done by the Haotian School and the Qu Family, and then they colluded with Lin Xia and the others. In other words, the Qu Family could not escape Lin Yao's affairs.

Therefore, after Lin Xia's father and son's betrayal incident, they felt very happy about the killing of most of the masters of the Qu family.

This is the result of an improper mind!

Of course, the Qu family suffered heavy losses, and the Lin family also lost a lot of masters because of the Lin Xia traitor.

In addition to all the traitors who were killed in the hall at the time, there are some of the Lin family children who are not so important and are planning to betray the Lin family together. They have also been imprisoned or driven out of the family.

Therefore, if you really talk about the overall strength of the number of people, the Qu family and the Lin family are about the same.

However, because Lin Xia, Lin Guangrui, and Lin Yi of the Lin family have died, and Lin Zhennan is recovering from retreat, the strongest one remaining is Lin Zhi, a master of spiritual realm.

But you must know that Qu Fan is already a Xiaocheng in the Earth Spirit Realm!

"Qu Fan! What a big tone of your voice! You even said that you want to level down my Lin family, do you really treat our Lin family as no one!" Lin Zhi said coldly.

Not to mention a Qu family, even in the entire sect world, it is estimated that no second-rate or third-rate sect would dare to say these things.

Who doesn't know that Qingyun Domain belongs to Xiaoyaomen?

Even though Xiaoyaomen has fallen for twenty or thirty years, it still stands tall. This is the bottom line of the ruined three-point nail.

If it weren't for leaning on Xiaoyaomen with his back, I'm afraid I don't know how many forces are going to move the Lin family.

And this Qu Fan, a small family owner, dared to speak up here, of course the Lin family was angry.

With murderous intent on Qu Fan's face, he asked sternly, "Then where did your Lin family put my Qu family?!"

The Lin family is not easy to provoke, with the back of Xiaoyaomen, is it easy to provoke the Qu family?

The Qu family's back is still the world's largest sect, Haotian Sect!

But it is such a powerful force, but it is still underestimated. The Qu family has been killed by so many masters. Isn't this the Haotianzong for not giving face?

Lin Zhi stared at Qu Fan. Of course he knew that Qu Fan was talking about that. He said coldly: "Qu Fan, some things are too white, and you are the only ones who are ashamed! Must we be forced to tear our skin?!"

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