Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1263: The power of the spiritual realm (part 1)

In an instant, the expressions of the Lin family changed drastically.

"Aren't you afraid of Xiaoyaomen?" a disciple of the Lin family cried.

They are all of Lin Zhennan's faction, and of course they are loyal to Xiaoyaomen.

Therefore, in their opinion, there is absolutely no way for the Qu family to mess around!

But they were wrong. Since Qu Fan came, of course, he had already figured out all the coping methods.


Qu Fan immediately laughed three times, and the other Qu family's children sneered.

"It's really a bunch of stupid guys," Qu Fan shook his head slightly, and then sternly said, "Let's not say that my Qu family and Xiaoyaomen don't have any grudges against you. It's just that kid who killed so many masters in my Qu family. Could it be that Xiaoyaomen accounted for it? Have you taken care of it? They are responsible for the wrong things their people have done!"

"And do you really think that Clear Sky Sect will let Xiaoyao door move my Qu family? You are too naive. Even if I destroy your Lin Family today, Clear Sky Sect will help me withstand it when the sky falls!"

As soon as this remark came out, even the casual practitioners of Qingyun City who were onlookers changed drastically and paled.

Qu Fan is really too arrogant, even the ridicule, teasing, and self-confidence revealed in his words are all feelings that don't take Xiaoyaomen in his eyes.

But they know that Qu Fan really has this ability!

"I don't know if City Lord Lin is here, would Qu Fan dare to come here to speak out..." Some people shook their heads with emotion.

Lin Zhennan's strength is very strong, it's just that his strength regresses. At the beginning they didn't know what was going on.

Until later, Lin Zhennan hardly appeared in the sight of the public, and immediately from within the Lin family, news of Lin Zhennan's strength regressed.

If Lin Zhennan is here, how could a mere Qu Fan make trouble here?

Seeing that the Lin family looked surprised and angry, Qu Fan was also impatient, he said: "I will say the last sentence, hand over that kid, lest you die!"

This drink, like a bang, made everyone tremble slightly.

Lin Zhi was very angry, shaking all over.

"It's lawless! The yellow-mouthed kid, if you want to flatten my Lin family, first step over my corpse!" Lin Zhi immediately yelled, and the breath on his body suddenly exploded.

"Then you mean to die?" Qu Fan's eyes gradually became cold.

They have given them a chance, but they don't cherish it.

Lin Zhi shouted: "Lin's children listen, our Lin family has never been a gangster! Not a traitor! Without Xiaoyaomen there would be no us today! In any case, we can't betray our friends!"

The ancestors of the Lin family were disciples of the Xiaoyaomen, and they were trained by the Xiaoyaomen, and there was such a huge family behind.

Even though Xiaoyaomen did not forget to continue to support the Lin family, how could they be ungrateful?

Another Xiao Yu helped them kill the traitors and also saved Lin Yao. This is regarded as their benefactor and friend of the Lin family. If they handed over Xiao Yu, wouldn't they also become Lin Xia and the others?

"Never shrink back!" Those disciples of the Lin family suddenly became excited.

Seeing this existence like a clown jumping on a beam, Qu Fan smiled, smiling cold and ruthless with you.

He shook his head, the murderous intent in his eyes became more concentrated, and said: "It's a bunch of people who don't know the sky and the earth. Since you don't hand him out, I will kill you until he is willing to come out!"

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