Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1269: A Thousand Chance Cloud Killing

Xiao Yu's indifferent voice spread out, showing a calm posture.

Indeed, Qu Fan's Thousand Chance Cloud Killer is too powerful, even if it is an ordinary cultivator of the same level as Qu Fan, he may not be able to retreat.

Let alone Xiao Yu?

Xiao Yu had already experienced the power of Qian Ji Yun Kill.

If you simply use swordsmanship, the power of Fu, or the power of Zilin to fight against, Xiao Yu doesn't have the confidence to retreat.

However, don't forget that Xiao Yu has more than just these powers.

The swarming long white strips were swarming towards Xiao Yu, but the young man slowly half-kneeled and pressed one hand to the ground.

"Pretending to be! Die!" A chill flashed across Qu Fan's eyes.

But it was seen that Xiao Yu hadn't urged the spiritual power of heaven and earth, an invisible fluctuation suddenly jumped out.

The power of the soul!

Living Wood Array!


The moment the astonishing soul power urged it out, it turned into countless turquoise vines.

As soon as this vine appeared, a green life aura appeared in the entire space.

"what is this?"

The people in the room were shocked. This was not brewed by the spiritual power of heaven and earth, but the offensive covering such a huge area did not have any breath fluctuations?

"No! This is the formation!" Someone finally recognized it.

Soul power and spiritual power, or heaven and earth spiritual power, are both different in the same way.

This is a kind of power, but the difference is that the power of the soul does not exist in the realm of heaven and earth like the spiritual power of heaven and earth. This is driven by the human soul. It is a kind of ethereal, empty, but practical. Power of existance.

At the same time, the scope of the power of the soul is not comparable to that of the spiritual power.

"Boom boom boom!"

The green vines all over the sky swarmed out, making half of the sky green, forming a sharp contrast with the white Bailian.

Two huge offensives, like natural enemies, face each other in the air, and no one will let it go.

It also seems to be two wild beasts, and they are bound to swallow each other before they are willing to give up.

This piece of sky was obscured by these two offensives, and the entire Lin family mansion was shrouded in shadows.

Before he knew it, Xiao Yu's eyes unexpectedly showed a little green, but in the depths of the green, it was surprisingly murderous.


The two offensives suddenly collided, and then the two were in a stalemate. Everyone wanted to swallow the other.

"What?!" Qu Fan's pupils shrank, and he looked at the scene in the sky with unbelievable feeling. This scene was really beyond his expectation.

His Thousand Chance Cloud Kill, but the supernatural power of Profound Grade!

But it can't even swallow this kid's formation! ?

"He is the Great Master of Formation!"

Qu Fan's pupils shrank again.

Not only him, but even Lin Zhi held his breath, and some well-informed Sanxiu faces trembled.

"When did Xiaoyaomen come out of such a kid? The talent and strength are already so enchanting. I didn't expect him to be a great master of formation!"

The formation master itself is a rare profession, and in the world of the sect, the strength of the formation master is comparable to the three-day realm!

However, you must know that those who can reach the level of the Great Master of Formation, outside the Zi Lingzong, a sect that specializes in forming formations, are in the second and third sects, and even in casual cultivation. Reach this level of age!

This boy is not only a double repair, but also a double repair genius!

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