Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1272: Kill Qu Fan

Xiao Yu walked towards Qu Fan step by step. To be honest, he was surprised that Qu Fan could resist his own attack.

But soon he figured it out.

Qu Fan has always been a Xiaocheng in the Earth Spirit Realm.

His strength lies there.

And his fifth-level formation was only a preliminary achievement, and it was beyond Xiao Yu's own expectations that it could achieve such an effect.

And he himself thought that he could kill Qu Fan, but Qu Fan's strength was always too strong.

Ordinary cultivators, even though they are not as powerful and terrifying as those who specialize in the flesh.

But with the improvement of strength, the strengthening of flesh and bones will continue to increase.

Of course, what Xiao Yu didn't know was that the reason why his living creature wood formation possessed such power was also entirely dependent on the Soul Cultivation Technique of Divine Soul Dao.

The formations in this soul cultivation method, even if every one is taken out, are extremely extraordinary, even top-level existences in the same level.

It's like a wood formation for living creatures. Although Xiao Yu used it for the first time, and it didn't take long to comprehend it, he didn't think of a very critical problem, that is, this five-level formation is much more powerful than ordinary five-level formation .

Of course, based on Xiao Yu's current understanding of living creatures and wood formations, it would indeed take some effort to kill a powerful Earth Spirit Realm.

If it hadn't been for Qu Fan to mobilize the white protective cover at the last moment, which would offset part of the spear's power, I am afraid he would be dead.

And now it was enough to just seriously hurt Qu Fan, because he felt that Qu Fan no longer had any power to fight back.

Qu Fan was not dead yet, he sat up with his chest and barely sat up, watching Xiao Yu approaching step by step, he suddenly felt that he had provoke someone who shouldn't be offended.

Qu Fan's mouth was full of blood, and the facts had already been told to him. He lost. He lost thoroughly. He still lost to a kid in the Golden Core Realm.

This took a serious blow to his self-esteem.


Suddenly, Qu Fan laughed wildly, everyone was unaware, but sighed again.

Could it be that Qu Fan realized that he was about to be killed, and then he was so disheartened and laughed indifferently in a low voice?

The corner of Lin Zhi's mouth over there was a bit bitter, he didn't know whether to persuade him or not to persuade him.

Qu Fan has always been the Young Patriarch of the Qu Clan in the Middle Yang Region. If he were killed, let alone the Haotian Sect, it would be impossible to let Xiao Yu go by just being the Patriarch of the Qu Family.

But just now, Qu Fan had obviously killed Xiao Yu. Could he still stand up and persuade him not to kill Qu Fan?

Isn't that sorry for this boy?

You know that this young man did so much for their Lin family!

Qu Fan laughed frantically: "Boy, if you have the ability, you will kill me! Not only will my father not let you go! Even the Clear Sky School will let you go!"

Xiao Yu said lightly: "Really? Then you go to die."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yu's hand slammed out suddenly, the fist style formed by Xiaoyao Fu, the waves were like a river, and suddenly it was enveloped in the past.

Qu Fan's pupils shrank, but at this moment, an indifferent voice, like the sound of a cold forest from the dark night, rang--

"Boy, do you really think I'm in the Clear Sky School as nothing?"

As soon as the voice fell, an invisible world momentum seemed to come from the horizon, and like three mountains and five sacred mountains, it was suppressed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, his fist suddenly turned around and hit the air.


The horrible shock spread, and Xiao Yu was shocked by more than ten meters.

"I thought you were going to be a turtle, did you finally show up?"

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