Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1283: The appearance of Xu Zhi

Jia Chen was already laughing wildly.

Ye Huan Yu Lihua is his strongest move. With this move, he has killed a casual repairman of the same level.

He was confident that no profound grade supernatural power in the sect world could be resisted.

Only the supernatural power of the land product can resist this trick.

But you must know that the supernatural powers of the local products are already very precious treasures in the seven sects. If there are no true disciples, it is absolutely impossible to touch.

One more thing, even if it is a true disciple, it is impossible to practice without a certain level of motivation and sentiment.

In short, he could use this trick to kill Xiao Yu to death!

Facing the overwhelming arrows, Xiao Yu's heart sank suddenly.

"It seems that I still underestimated the strength of the Earth Spirit Realm Dacheng."

The strength of the Earth Spirit Realm was beyond Xiao Yu's imagination.

Or to put it this way, the realm level of the Earth Spirit Realm Dacheng exceeds the range that Xiao Yu can control. After all, it is still the most primitive problem, his realm is too low.

Xiao Yu was able to control the spiritual power of heaven and earth. This was certainly a manifestation of power, but it was limited to power.

Just like the big hammer and the small hammer, the spiritual power of heaven and earth is the big hammer, but they are adults, and Xiao Yu is a teenager.

The same big hammer, although he wields this big hammer, if he really wants to hit the strength of an adult, he must grow up to the point of an adult.

This is the state is not enough, it is difficult to fight.

Faced with this scene, Xiao Yu was not discouraged. He knew that he had done his best. Strictly speaking, he had already made a profit.

At this time, what Xiao Yu had left was to restore only 70 to 80% of the killing power in the Shura bloodline.

Once urged, he was confident that he could resist Jia Chen's ultimate move, but what he got in exchange was probably the withering of Xiao Yu's blood. Strictly, he would be invaded by that kind of killing intent, and would be insulted.

Of course, in fact, there is still a way, and Xiao Yu has always been discouraged from burning the essence and blood that he has to use.

The golden light on Xiao Yu's body was already slowly flickering, and he shook his head in his heart. It seemed that he still had to use external force!

Xiao Long couldn't wait any longer. It seemed that he was about to come out. If Xiao Yu hadn't been suppressing it, I'm afraid Xiao Long would have come out by himself.

Just before he hesitated, suddenly an indifferent voice sounded——


Suddenly, a purple light like thunder and lightning rushed to Xiao Yu, and it was the purple butterfly!

Xu Zhi!

Xiao Yu frowned. He knew that Xu Zhi had been in the mansion. It was just that Xu Zhi's strength was inferior to that of a person's spiritual realm. Even Yang Xuan couldn't even fight. Facing Jia Chen, who is a realm higher, is there a chance?

He remembered that the purple light butterfly was defeated by Yang Xuan at that time.

But then, Xiao Yu was surprised.

The purple light on the purple butterfly suddenly flashed, and the two flapping butterfly wings struck out two aurora, and the aurora gathered in the air into a surging purple light.


The arrows all over the sky shattered at the moment they encountered this purple light.


Jia Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, watching this scene in disbelief.

The move that he is proud of, has been broken so easily?

Yes, not just him, Xiao Yu, Lin Hu and the other guards who escorted Lin Yao last time were all stunned.

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