Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1285: Return in defeat (Part 1)

For some reason, the atmosphere in the entire venue has become a kind of ice cold, which is the same as invading the flesh and soul of people, as if falling into an ice cellar.

Even Xiao Yu didn't know why Xu Zhi's aura gave people such a feeling. He seemed to feel even more strange about this woman who was not many years older than him.

Jia Chen felt completely frightened. Of course, Xu Zhi’s murderous intent was not solely on him. Together with Qu Fan and other Qu family members, they felt that their throat was strangled. The voice said Does not come out.

Jia Chen swallowed his throat, and he seemed to realize that Xu Zhi who suddenly appeared was definitely not a very easy character.

That kind of fear was something he had never encountered before, even facing the elders of his sect, he had never been so afraid!

Who is she! ?

How could the Lin family possess such a terrifying existence?

Jia Chen kept asking himself in his heart, and his jealousy grew stronger.

Finally, he took a deep breath. Although he was staring at Xu Zhi in his eyes, he coldly said to Xiao Yu: "Xiao Yu, you really found a good helper! You have a kind, let's go!"

Jia Chen finally gave birth to a retreat. Xu Zhi heard the words of the former, and the murderous intent faded like a tide.


At this moment, Xiao Yu's heart moved, looking at Xu Zhi's figure thoughtfully.

Jia Chen retreated with Qu Fan and his party.

From then on, Qu Fan led the team and made a fuss about the Lin Family. Qu Fan was robbed of an arm, and the first-ranked disciple of the Clear Sky School's inner sect had returned without success.

Of course, what Xiao Yu did is like rioting the Qu family in the Zhongyang domain, killing most of the masters of the Qu family, and repelling the children of the Qu family headed by Qu Fan in the Qingyun domain, and abolishing the Zhongyang domain. A hand by a young talent, Qu Fan, also made the Haotian sect number one Jia Chen defeated. This incident was like a storm that swept across the entire sect world.

Many areas, or the second and third sects were shaken once again.

Just because of Xiao Yu's name, he had gradually risen in half of the sect world before, and a lot of big disturbances have been made, but now, even the Clear Sky School is going to be offended?

The most important thing is that the Clear Sky Sect returned without success? !

Especially when they knew that Xiao Yu's cultivation at the Golden Core Realm could spur the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and when the cards appeared endlessly, everyone was secretly surprised.

Even when the results of the assessment of the Seven Sects were made, those who were hostile to the Xiaoyao Sect, or those who planned to kill such a genius in the cradle, also gave up this idea one after another.

It was really because of the fighting talent displayed by this young man, as well as the terrifying background, which made everyone fearful.

People say that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind, but for them, it is not so easy to destroy such a genius.

Because everyone knows that as long as they are given time, they can only sigh after this young man grows up.

Is Xiaoyaomen going to rise?

Is there going to be another frenzy in the world of Zongmen?

Is another super genius really about to awaken?

Questions, fears, or even surprises all came to the minds of many people.


"It's hateful, who is that woman!"

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