Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1298: Waiting to see the play (part 2)

"Then what should I do now?" Xidong asked.

"Xiao Yu is probably not easy. Let him go back this time. The Xiaoyao Sect may mobilize the sect world to be vigilant. Our whereabouts have been exposed, so we hide for a while and wait for the calm and waves to appear before appearing." Qi Fu said. .

Xidong frowned, seemingly puzzled, and somewhat unwilling, but it was true that as Qi Fu said, their whereabouts had been exposed, as long as the other sects of the sect world were guarded, they would be even more difficult to move.

Only by keeping a low profile can we better execute opportunities.

"Then we don't do anything?" Xidong asked.

Qi Fu's eyes flickered, as if some kind of weird waves in the deep secluded pool, he smiled evilly and said: "Of course we have things to do. The only thing we have to do is to wait for the show."

Xidong was puzzled, this is what is called something to do?

"Have you never heard of it? Sometimes waiting is also an offense. I know you are afraid of this kid, afraid that he will ruin our affairs. To be honest, I also want to see how high he jumps. After all Being able to resist the punishment of the Xiaoyao Sect, this kind of talent is not as good as even the literary warfare of the year."

Seeing Qi Fu's indifferent but meaningful words, Xidong is even more unclear.

"You mean..." Suddenly, Xi Dong's heart moved, as if he had thought of something, and then he smiled, with a meaningful smile, "You are right, we just wait and see the show, really want to see , What kind of frenzy will this sect world cause because of that kid."

What Qi Fu said is very simple--

Xiao Yu has offended many regions and many sects. I am afraid that half of the sect world's forces want to secretly eradicate this rising genius.

The reason for this is that all sects and forces are all pretending to be ghosts, or they are in conflict with Xiao Yu.

In this way, even if they didn't do anything, after the Qingyunyu incident spread out, first of all, Clear Sky School had already held a grudge against Xiao Yu.

After being targeted by the world's first sect, just imagine how difficult it will be to practice in the future?

Qi Fu carried his hands on his back, a distant, but chilling voice sounded again——

"Here, it is destined to set off another **** storm. Nothing can stop us.


On the other side, in a certain pavilion of the Haotian School, at this time, there were two people in it. One of them had a cold face, and the face of a middle-aged man who was in his forties was very gloomy.

This person was Cui Yuan, the youngest elder of the Clear Sky School who was supervising the assessment of the Seven Sects.

At this time, Cui Yuan's face was very ugly. If he looked closely, his eyes were filled with astonishing murderous intent.

The man next to him is also in his forties, and his face is also very gloomy at this time.

"Gan Ning, is there really nothing wrong with the intelligence?"

Gan Ning took a deep breath and said, "It can't be wrong, Jia Chen is still on the way, but he has already passed on the book first. Not surprisingly, Yan Fanhao and Yang Xuan were all killed by that kid."


Cui Yuan let out a cold snort, a feeling of coldness burst out, and murderous intent enveloped the entire room.

His face was trembling, and his whole body was frightened.

"Xiao Yu!! You are so brave! Even the disciples of the Clear Sky School would dare to kill!!"

Yes, that's right, the kidnapping of Lin Yao this time was planned by Cui Yuan.

I originally thought that I could cross the sea without hiding the sky, without fail, when Lin Yao was abducted, Qingyunyu, Xiaoyaomen could also be fooled to pass, but I didn't expect it to fail in the end!

This "culprit" is Xiao Yu who made a lot of noise in the sect world before! !

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