Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1316: Big Dipper Seven Swords, but so

"What kind of seal is this!?"

Everyone felt strange, especially Cao Yukai's heartbeat.

The Fayin seemed inconspicuous, but the aura and the terrifying oppression actually shrouded a 300-meter radius in a layer of darkness.

Even Lin Shiwei's heart trembled when he saw this, this kid didn't see him for a while, he seemed to be much stronger!

Yes, how did they know that even though Xiao Yu's Pagoda didn't spend much time focusing on the cultivation, Xiao Yu would understand the essence of this mysterious power as soon as he had time.

In addition, since being able to stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth, his understanding of the power between heaven and earth has also reached a higher level.

The Buddha Pagoda is the same as the Asura **** pattern and the mysterious purple unicorn bone. Although it is not a borrowing of heaven and earth spiritual power, it is a kind of power of its own, but the mystery of the Buddha Pagoda has only allowed Xiao Yu to understand the bottom two layers. degree.

As Xiao Yu's understanding of Tao increased, his talent was further released, and naturally, his insight into the Buddha Tower was also deeper.

Although it was only a step forward, the fusion of the Four Float Seals was already a great progress.

Because that is the ultimate compression of the power of the Buddha Seal!

From another point of view, it is enough to see that the mysterious power tower of the Buddha Tower is only a little less profound than the Shura Divine Mark and Shura Art.

Back to the scene.

Along with the fusion of Xiao Yu's Four Float Seals, a magic seal flew out suddenly.

The purple-black energy aura, like a big wave washing the sand, the Fayin skyrocketed tens of meters against the wind, like a giant palm, swept out with a stern momentum.


Like a stone hitting an egg, Cao Yukai's terrifying seven-sword sword style, upon encountering the seal of the buddha, all smashed like glass.


The crowd was stunned. The so-called momentum was like a broken bamboo, describing the scene they saw before their eyes.

The flying seal was solid and impregnable, and it contained the aura of darkness, and it suddenly ran into Cao Yukai's long sword.


With a crisp sound, Cao Yukai's almost top-grade middle-grade spiritual weapon was like a crisp bamboo, and it suddenly broke into pieces.

Cao Yukai's pupils shrank, and his whole body was trembling, but although the speed of this seal was not as fast as the momentum of thunder, his limbs seemed to be trapped by chains, his throat was choked, and his body was shaking.

That kind of fear actually made him unable to move.


Without any accident, the purple-black light suddenly exploded, and Cao Yukai screamed and was knocked out.

The venue became deadly silent for a while. Looking at Cao Yukai again, the hand holding the sword was twisted like a twist, and the white bones of the forest were all exposed.

Lin Shiwei in the crowd was so pale that there was no trace of blood, and he froze in place.

When the other people saw this scene, their eyes widened, and they were also shocked.

"Brother Cao... unexpectedly... lost?" A disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion took a deep breath with a bitter tongue.

Cao Yukai, ranked second in Xuanjian Pavilion's inner gate, lost like this?

The Seven Swords of the Big Dipper, in front of this young man's seal, is as vulnerable as a paper paste?

Wang Wei was also stunned. Everyone looked at Xiao Yu and showed a monster-like posture.

"Too...too strong..."

The disciple of Huan Yuezong was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

There is no power to fight back at the peak of the Golden Core Realm?

Could it be that what the young man said--

Even if you ask the one above you to come out, it will not be enough for me to challenge, unless your true disciple of Xuanjian Pavilion...

Xiao Yu gently shook his head: "Big Dipper Seven Swords, but so."

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