Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1319: Sword intent is too vulgar

After putting down a sentence, Xiao Yu suddenly slaughtered him with the palm of his hand. The same dark and ruinous purple-black aura, the same superimposed force of the four-fold floater seal, suddenly killed the past.

Of course, just like playing against Cao Yukai, Xiao Yu only used 40% of his power in this move.

Jin Sui's expression sank, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

"I will let you know, underestimate my fate!"

As soon as the voice fell, he swung his long sword, which was a silver-white long sword.

Top grade spirit weapon!

As soon as this high-grade spiritual tool was used, the crowd was shocked, and the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion were overjoyed when they saw it.

"Brother Jin is going to be serious, even his Changbai sword has been used!"

The disciples of the other sects all looked up, and even the disciples of the Clear Sky School couldn't help being surprised.

"High-grade spirit weapon? Interesting." Although Xiao Yu looked surprised, he still smiled slightly.

The Jia Chen he had met, Haotianzong's inner door ranked first, and also possessed a high-grade spiritual weapon.

As for high-grade spirit weapons, it is impossible for ordinary inner disciples to own it, only inner disciples who rank first, or true inheritance disciples, are eligible to have them.

The power of high-grade spiritual weapons is naturally not comparable to middle-grade spiritual weapons.

What's more, Jin Sui is still a small person in the spiritual realm!

Seeing Xiao Yu's contemptuous tone, Jin Sui immediately became angry. He shook his hand, and the white light suddenly urged it out. I was afraid that the sword aura penetrated a white cold glow and killed him.


Xiao Yu's Buddha Seal touched the white Li Mang, and was suddenly shattered by the impact. The powerful energy ripples swept away like a small hurricane.

Xiao Yu's footsteps were calm, his long hair floating, and his clothes linked together, like an upright ancient pine in the invisible strong wind.

This scene surprised everyone.

Although Xiao Yu didn't get any advantage, everyone was shocked by his composure and his steady posture.

"Yes, you are a bit stronger than that guy, but the sword intent is still too vulgar." Xiao Yu said lightly.

Jin Sui's face immediately became gloomy, and the killing secret was spread on his face.

Cao Yukai was even more angry.

He has been said that the sword intent is too vulgar, this is not only an insult to him, but also an insult to their Xuanjian Pavilion!

The disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion immediately quit, and said angrily: "Boy, do you know what a sword is? You dare to question our Xuanjian Pavilion! What do you think you are, the sword god?"

"Yes! You guy who doesn't understand swords at all, what right do you have to make a comment on our Xuanjian Pavilion here!"

"Yes, if we don't understand swords, I'm afraid no one in the entire sect world will understand!"

Legend has it that Xuanjian Pavilion is a sect created here by the descendants of the sword master, so Xuanjian Pavilion is proud of using swords and has a high self-esteem.

I am afraid that in the entire sect world, no one knows sword better than them.

Moreover, the true disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion are even the awakeners of the sword **** pattern!

The accumulation of these two talents allowed Xuanjian Pavilion's swordsmanship and sword comprehension to be proud of the entire sect world.

Now an outsider commented that Jin Sui didn't understand swords. Isn't this laughing at others' big teeth?

Even if it is the same level, the same level of spirit weapon, in the use of swords, the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion can rely on their innate advantages to make the top half. Does this kid really understand what a sword is?

Immediately, Xiao Yu turned his hand over, and a sword with a scabbard was like a hand.

"Take out your strongest swordsmanship and let me see how powerful your sword is."

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