Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1321: Still too vulgar

The Big Dipper Star Pole is the top move of Xuanjian Pavilion's Big Dipper Swordsmanship.

It is said that when you understand the highest level of this mysterious sword technique, the sword intent that erupts is already very close to the power of the earth-grade supernatural power skills.

Jin Sui's Changbai swordsmanship burst out, and the white sword aura poured out like silver radiance.

With his long white sword swung out, countless sword auras crisscrossed the void, and the murderous intent of the sky was like a blizzard under the severe cold, and like the bright stars in the starry sky, the entire venue was illuminated into a large white. world.

"call out!"

The strongest blow of the Jinsui Beidou swordsmanship came to Xiao Yu at the speed of thunder and lightning.

With the sword intent of white light, the air was torn apart, everyone only felt that the eardrum was swollen, and the whole person appeared in a momentary hazy state.

"Xiao Yu, hide away!"

As Wang Wei's face changed a lot, he knew that Jin Sui was going to be cruel!

After all, Jin Sui is in the realm of three days, can Xiao Yu be able to withstand this offensive?

The combat power displayed by Xiao Yu was indeed shocking, but no matter what, it was Jin Sui's strongest move!

Wang Wei held it like this, but he saw that Xiao Yu suddenly drew his sword.


What kind of sword is that?

From the sword shoulder, the whole two-thirds of the fitness is smooth, but one third is rusty.

This scene made Jin Sui in the distance burst out laughing.

"Even the rust has not faded away, are you trying to use this sword to block my attack?"

Xiao Yu waved his hand gently, his expression was indifferent, and a deep sharp light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, an intangible aura instantly enveloped the entire venue.

That kind of invisible, silent, but the feeling of substituting people into the endless void in a flash, makes everyone feel like a drop in the ocean.

"What kind of sword intent is this?" Jin Sui's heart jumped suddenly.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared, and only starlight was seen, flashing away under these countless white lights.


The air froze for a while, and immediately heard a loud "boom", Jin Sui's pupils shrank, and he found that his Big Dipper Pole Sword Pose had been broken like this!

"how is this possible!?"

There was not much light bursting, nor too gorgeous moves, but the white world suddenly disappeared.

Looking at the venue again, Xiao Yu stood quietly on the ground, holding a long sword with one-third of the rust on its body, pointing diagonally to the ground.

Jin Sui maintained the posture of swinging the sword.

But at this moment, a strange scene appeared, and only a "knock" sound was heard, and Jin Sui's hand holding the long sword suddenly trembled, because the body of his long white sword was actually broken!


The crisp broken sword fell to the ground, Jin Sui's face was extremely pale.

The sound of falling to the ground exploded in his mind like a muffled thunder.

The crowd looked incredible at this scene.

"The sword is broken, and the sword... is also broken?"

Jin Sui's Changbai sword was broken!

That is a middle-grade spirit weapon!

All the disciples of Xuanjian Pavilion were stunned in place, and once again fell into a silent situation in the venue.

Jin Sui's face was pale, apparently too fast for what happened just now.

It was almost to the point that he didn't even react.

What kind of sword intent is that?

What kind of swordsmanship is that?

With a light wave of his hand, he has already broken his strongest score without even using his moves?

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly and said, "It's still too vulgar."

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