Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1327: Still not enough

Inside the stone room, the door was closed, and Xiao Yu's mind seemed to linger with what Mai Guangle had just said.

"I really want to see how strong you have become." Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

Immediately he shook these distracting thoughts and went into concentration meditation.

What I have to say is that the second level of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda has twenty times the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual power of the sect, which is indeed much richer than the first level, after all, it is ten times the amount.

"Although my golden core has melted in advance because of Xiao Yao's life force, my physical realm still stays in the golden core."

Before Xiao Yu had not reached the peak of the Golden Core Realm, the Golden Core had already melted into the flesh and blood of his whole body. His realm had not been reached, but he could already stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

However, Xiao Yu's own realm is still only the Golden Core Realm, and he has never reached the three-day realm.

To put it simply, when Xiao Yu's golden pill was melted, he was only spying on some of the mysteries of the power of heaven and earth spiritual power, but it was not complete.

Just like when a child has not grown up, he will only use brute force to attack others, and he does not know how to borrow force.

When he learns to borrow force, he does not need to use his own brute force, the effect of the attack will be better, and even more powerful.

But he is always a child.

To some extent, Xiao Yu was in such a state.

The so-called cultivation is a journey against the sky, which is a kind of perception of the power between heaven and earth, and the accompanying nature is that the power that can be used is getting stronger and stronger.

But don't neglect one point. Starting from the realm of foundation building, cultivators are constantly improving their physical strength while practicing.

It's just that compared to practitioners who specialize in body training, the physical improvement of ordinary practitioners is relatively slow.

Of course, Xiao Yu's physical body was so strong that even some powerhouses with the strength of the three-day realm could not be shaken.

The only thing he wants to improve now is his realm.

Otherwise, the realm is not enough, and even if it can stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth, the battle is still very difficult.

This is how Xiao Yu's leapfrog fight was.

Although Xiao Yu's golden core had melted everywhere in his body now, he was still a long way from breaking through from the golden core to the three-day state.

This process cannot be crossed by all cultivators, that is--

The film that absorbs the huge heaven and earth spiritual power from the outside world and impacts the three-day realm.

"Now I can use heaven and earth spiritual power directly, eliminating the tedious refining process. I don't know if the concentration of spiritual power following the second layer can help me?"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and felt relieved.

Time passed day by day, until a week passed, when all the spiritual power of heaven and earth was absorbed into his body, it was like a huge vortex, devouring everything in time.

"No, the second level of spiritual power is still too little. If it continues, it will take at least three months before I can break through." Xiao Yu opened his eyes, slightly disappointed.

Attacking the three-day realm requires a huge amount of spiritual support. Otherwise, how is it called a watershed?

And Xiao Yu still slightly underestimated the three-day state.

How did Xiao Yu know that if his words were heard by those in the three-day state, almost everyone would vomit blood with anger.

It's just because ordinary people, even super geniuses, have broken through this hurdle in just one or two years, or as long as three to five years!

Not to mention ordinary practitioners!

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