Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1330: Oppression on the stairs (part 1)

Those from other sects also laughed at this scene.

The third level of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda is thirty times the concentration of the heaven and earth spiritual power of the sect. If they can go up, these Golden Core Realm disciples don't know how many people want to go up.

After all, that is more than half of the spiritual power. For cultivation, it is half the time to accomplish the same thing!

"Hey, a few years ago in Xuanjian Pavilion also had a fellow at the top of the Golden Core Realm who wanted to challenge this enchantment, and he was squeezed into a waste in the end.

"Yes, no one has dared to challenge anymore since then."

The disciples of the other sects all had funny faces.

Without the ability, but bite the bullet to do it, this is overpowering.

The more Xiao Yu walked, the more difficult it became. Before reaching the stairs, it was almost impossible to walk an inch.

He had just taken a step and wanted to go up the stairs, the invisible squeezing force felt like pushing him back.


Xiao Yu didn't want to waste time on the second floor. He snorted, and the power of qi and blood from his body burst out, flooding anywhere in his body.

The squeezing force immediately seemed to disperse, and Xiao Yu directly stepped onto the stairs.

The stairs are in two sections, upward in the form of a curve.

Xiao Yu's face was calm and his steps were steady, and he went up the stairs with a dozen steps.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the disciples in the corridor protruded, and they felt very incredible.

Duan Zhihui frowned.

Was he actually stepped on half a flight of stairs?

This is simply incredible.

The enchantment on the stairs itself has a certain oppressive aura, if the realm is not reached, it will squeeze the flesh.

But seeing Xiao Yu's calm and calm expression, it seemed like entering a man's land!

Duan Zhihui snorted coldly: "The lower half is no more than the squeeze of the flesh, but the upper half is not just a physical block."

He said so, almost everyone looked at him coldly, and even had some elements of watching the excitement.

Xiao Yu stepped onto the half-flight of the stairs, and when he took another step, the pressure suddenly increased.

"This is... the aura of heaven and earth?" Xiao Yu's heart moved.

Just now the lower half was merely oppression of his physical body, but the physical body was so strong that it was close to a demon, and the ordinary earth spirit realm could not kill him at all, so why would he be afraid?

But after coming to this half-layer, the aura that is already between heaven and earth is oppressing.

That kind of oppression is holistic, a kind of obstruction to Xiao Yu's Golden Core Realm.

That kind of pressure is already several times that of the lower half just now.


The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth raised a slight curve. It would not be fun to reach the third level so easily.

After all, there are only ten rooms on the third floor!

Xiao Yu suddenly raised one foot, his eyes suddenly flashed sharply, and he coldly shouted in his heart: "Broken!"

As he roared in his heart, in an instant, the entire second layer of heaven and earth spiritual power turned into countless air currents from all directions and gathered towards Xiao Yu.

"Heaven and Earth Spiritual Power!"

Everyone exclaimed.

The invisible power gathered like a swarming tide, and even Duan Zhihui was shocked, his face full of incredible.

"The rumors are true, he can really stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth!" A disciple exclaimed.

Until just now, those who had never seen Xiao Yu fight, but had only heard of Xiao Yu's name, were shocked.

This incredible scene really happened before him.


In an instant, the entire second floor was under the imposing collision, and from the position of the stairs, there was a terrifying air current fluctuation. The entire ring-shaped second floor seemed to blow a hurricane, and everyone was shaken back... …

"He...he went up?"

After a long while, the figure in the half-story building once again filed in and went up to the third floor...

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