Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1337: I am interested now (on)

The Purple Spirit Sect is still located halfway up the mountain, but what impresses you is a huge lavender.

The purple palace buildings are scattered on the mountainside.

From afar, in the sky above these palaces, there is a radiant and smooth, fairy currents and mists, which is like a kind of fairyland on earth.

Every sect has a "Gathering Great Array" whose purpose is to gather spiritual power from heaven and earth.

But the Purple Spirit Sect does not need it, because they specialize in soul.

The soul is invisible, but what exists is the most wonderful thing in the world.

The improvement of the soul realm can only rely on one's own development of the original chaotic soul state, and finally reach the point of becoming more and more ethereal and clear.

People who are not cultivating souls don't even know how difficult the soul is.

Under the archway of the sect, a disciple of the Purple Spirit Sect is already arranging check-in.

The front of the archway is the bluestone floor, and the back of the bluestone floor is naturally a magical array.

At this time Xiao Yu found that many people had already emerged from the invisible formation.

These are naturally other sect disciples who have broken through the formation.

After a while, Duan Zhihui also came out. It took him only one minute from entering to exiting. The other disciples had been in at least ten minutes before Xiao Yu had seen them.

From this point of view, Duan Zhihui's soul cultivation is indeed not low.

The disciples of the windshield were already waiting. Duan Zhihui saw Xiao Yu appear one step ahead of him, and smiled in disdain, so he ignored Xiao Yu.

People who come in by relying on identity tokens, even those who dare not to enter the phantom array, can hardly get into his magical eyes.

Fortunately, he still feels terrified for this young man in Ju Ling Tower.

Xiao Yu didn't care, and went straight to register under the archway.

The formation exchange meeting was held on the second day, and the first day was to arrange residence.

There are several disciples in charge of registration. Among them, a young man in green clothes is the head. He looks at the ID card shown by Xiao Yu.

"Xiaoyaomen?" The green-clothed youth was surprised, as were the other disciples.

Over the years, almost no one at Xiaoyaomen has participated in the formation exchange meeting.

"Audience or contestant?"


The green youth was even more surprised, but Zi Lingzong had always been a neutral sect and did not participate in these struggles.

"What is your name."

"Xiao Yu."

Xiao Yu!

These disciples were startled one after another, this person is the genius boy of Xiaoyaomen who made a lot of trouble!

Is he also a formation mage?

"Well, this is your soul jade slip, take him with you to go in for the assessment."

After Xiao Yu thanked him, he walked towards the pavilion.

Looking at this figure, the green-clothed youth suddenly moved in his heart and felt very surprised.

The other disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect secretly wondered.

"Unexpectedly, this kid is also a formation mage! I don't know how high his formation is?"

"How high can it be? In Shuangxiu, Duan Zhihui of Fengshimen is the strongest, a quasi-true disciple. I also heard that if he successfully comprehends this time, his soul realm will be one level higher, and Fengshimen will have one more. It’s a true disciple."

"Cut, I thought it was so easy! "Feng Huo Lin" is not so easy to comprehend. The soul is injured at the slightest, and the ashes disappeared. The formation geniuses who have died these years don't know how many."

Between these disciples' discussions like this, the young man in green clothes was thinking.

"Senior Brother Fang, what's the matter?"

Senior Brother Fang was silent for a while, and said, "I felt the kind of fluctuation in Junior Brother Fu in him."

"How is it possible!? Heart and soul fluctuate?"

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