Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1349: The second level (middle)

The third level is the mountain attribute.

The flaming world disappeared all at once, replaced by a broad land, and the sky was still clear.

But just because the current environment is so good and empty, the rest of the people are dignified. The quieter, the more likely it is that a powerful danger is coming.

Zhan Xiaoyu was still very happy after having been burned by the fire attribute just now.

"I don't know what this mountain attribute will be like? I really look forward to it!"

Zhan Xiaoyu's words directly caused a small number of disciples to sweat more profusely.

Some of them have already suffered from the two levels just now. Although some of them seem to be good, but they can actually sustain them, I am afraid it will be about one level.

Only those who are determined, not the first time to participate, or like Duan Zhihui, who have great confidence in their soul realm, can they become calm and unwavering.


Suddenly someone exclaimed, pointing to the sky above, and everyone fixed their eyes to see that there were more than a hundred tiny black spots in the sky that were constantly zooming in.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared. Originally, some people were gathered together, but now, it seems that there is an invisible force that separates them all.

Xiao Yu originally stood with Zhan Xiaoyu, because this kind of phantom array itself works on everyone, and can't exert array resistance, so it doesn't matter whether they gather together or not.

But now, Xiao Yu is a full 100 meters away from Zhan Xiaoyu.

Not only him and Zhan Xiaoyu, the gap between everyone is more than 100 meters.

What kind of situation is this? Is it to deal with the next mountain attribute phantom array attack?

When they were puzzled, there was a black spot in the sky, everyone had already seen what it was.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he thought: "So that's it, mountain attribute, does it mean mountain?"

Yes, those black spots that keep zooming in are really big mountains!

The black spots are rapidly magnifying, some fall quickly, and some fall slowly, but it is certain that these mountains are faced by everyone.

And the distance apart so far does not affect the overlapping collision of the mountains.


A mountain that descended extremely fast, suddenly the soul incarnation of one of the disciples was crushed to pieces. Naturally, this disciple was also disqualified.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the continuous landing of hundreds of mountains, the terrifying ground shaking sounded continuously.

In just an instant, a dozen or twenty people did not even resist, and they were suppressed to death and disqualified.

In an instant of effort, there were less than a hundred people left.

"Boom boom boom!"

Each of the mountains that shook down quickly is as large as a hundred meters.

Some slightly stronger souls were directly supported by their hands, but their knees were already submerged under the ground.

In the end, all the mountains fell down like meteors.

"Huh! Little bugs!"

Duan Zhihui gave a chuckle, and hit it upward with one punch. The hundred-meter mountain was suddenly broken.

Fu Yuran's expression was cold, and the palm was lifted up. The mountain was like a plaything in his hand. He just tossed it with his hand, and the mountain flew out like garbage.

Ji Yining was also very simple. When the mountain was sitting down, he didn't even move. He still pulled it down by the mountain, but the mountain pierced his body and just broke.

Faced with the attack of the mountain attribute phantom array, the three most-voiced genius array mages were so relaxed that everyone present was surprised.

This is the genius array mage!

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