Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1365: The essence of formation (below)

Everyone turned their eyes on the four people sitting cross-legged in front of the gate of the Four Secret Realm, and there was a light on the heads of the three great formation masters.

"Elder Shen, what do those represent?" Zhan Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Elder Shen replied: "This is what I just said. If you have a new understanding of the selected formation, this kind of top light will appear, which means that you have not really understood its essence, but if At this time, you pull out and smash the soul jade slip, and you can be regarded as comprehending the formation of a certain attribute, but the level of this formation will not be very high."

"Take the example of the three-flame three-point spear array just now. If Sun Ya could fight the three spears just now, instead of being defeated at the beginning, then this kind of top light will appear on his head, which means he has already started Up."

Everyone was stunned, and Zhan Xiaoyu asked again, "Elder Shen just now you said this is only an entry-level comprehension, so how can Sun really comprehend?"

Elder Shen just wanted to answer, the light on the head of one of the masters of the formation suddenly turned into a translucent mask, which surrounded his entire body.

"What's the situation?" Everyone was surprised.

Elder Shen said: "This is what it looks like to truly understand the essence of the formation."

"Does that mean he succeeded?" one of the disciples exclaimed.

Elder Shen just wanted to deny it, but Xiao Yu silently said, "Not necessarily."

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu, and even Elder Shen looked at Xiao Yu curiously.

Xiao Yu said: "Elder Shen said just now that when he understands the true essence of the formation, the mask will appear, but if he is exposed to the second-level formation, or the third-level formation, what about the fourth-level formation? Even if it is regarded as comprehending the essence, is it meaningless to be different? Is this a success?"

When Xiao Yu said this, all the disciples present suddenly realized it.

"Yeah! Even a small grass inside may be a fifth-level formation, but a towering tree may not necessarily be a fifth-level formation. If they choose a third-level formation or a fourth-level formation, Formation, even if you understand the essence, it is not very useful!?"

Elder Shen looked at the light curtain in the air above the great master of the formation, nodded and said: "Yes, this disciple chose a formation called Feng Xuan's crack, but this formation is only level four. ."

Duan Zhihui snorted coldly: "Obviously a great master of formation, but he has to choose a fourth-level formation, really a coward."

Ji Yining said indifferently: "It's such a good talent, but it's a pity that I have limited my upper limit because of this."

Elder Shen also shook his head slightly in his heart.

To be honest, even Elder Shen himself was slightly disappointed with this disciple.

Although not a disciple of their Purple Spirit Sect, in any case, he is also in the same line as a master of formation.

There are many formations in the secret realm, but they choose a fourth-level formation, even if it is a fifth-level formation without being too powerful!

This is really puzzling. In addition to the reason for fear of death, what reason can there be?

And this kind of cultivation character is actually not conducive to future promotion.

In Ji Yining's words, this great master of the formation technique may be able to cultivate in this way throughout his life.

Naturally, the difficulty of the fourth-level formation is simply too small for a great master of the formation, because the great master of the formation itself can activate the fifth-level formation.

The mask on the disciple of the Great Master Formation Master disappeared, and he opened his eyes.

Many people around were looking at him with cold eyes.

The disciple was embarrassed and knew that he had chosen, so he bowed his head and stepped aside.

Soon, the other two great masters of the formation all chose the fifth-level formation, but unfortunately, they could not condense the mask. In other words, they realized that the fifth-level formation failed.

The two great masters sighed and gave up their positions.

Fu Yuran, who had always been cold-eyed, asked again: "Elder Shen, just now you said that if you understand a certain formation, you will be attacked by a certain formation at the lowest limit. Is there an upper limit?"

When Fu Yuran asked, everyone looked at Elder Shen, even Xiao Yu.

Yes, Xiao Yu just wanted to ask this question.

Sun Ya couldn't help himself, and used the soul realm comparable to the human spirit realm to comprehend the three-point three-flame spear formation. Elder Shen also said just now that each formation level is fixed, but it is not absolute.

"Yes, this is what I'm going to say next."

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