Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1376: Which one to choose

Seeing that Duan Zhihui did not succeed, of course the happiest disciples of Zi Lingzong were naturally.

After all, no matter what, they certainly don't want to see Duan Zhihui succeed, that is their sect's sixth-level formation!

Therefore, there is a little misfortune in their hearts.

As for the other second- and third-rate sects, as well as the eliminated disciples, they were secretly grateful.

Yes, they are the same. They are both Array Mage. They are not willing to see who is strong.

The formation mage itself is a line of a few people, and to reach the culmination, in addition to the people of the Purple Spirit Sect, if there is a monster genius, then they will feel very frustrated.

After all, Zi Ling Zongqiang is fine, they are a major sect with a thousand-year history of formation and can only look up, but Duan Zhihui is not the same.

When you surpass others a little bit, others will be jealous of you; when you surpass others a lot, others will envy you.

Similarly, Duan Zhihui is a great master of formation. For those disciples who are also great masters of formation, if Duan Zhihui still comprehends this sixth-level formation, it will only make them jealous.

And if it is a super powerhouse like the Formation Heaven Master who stands at the top of the formation, they can only look up.

Above the pavilion.

"For so many years, all those who have been able to comprehend from the fifth-level formation to the sixth-level formation are the peerless genius formation masters in the Zongmen world. As far as our true Zongmen disciples are concerned, only seniors can reach this level. "Qiu Dongyang said.

There was no change in Zhao Xin's expression. She had already guessed about this.

The true brother of the Purple Spirit Sect is already the most powerful genius of the Purple Spirit Sect, of course she has heard of it.

This kind of super genius, reaching the formation magic celestial master, that is, the strength beyond the realm of heaven, in fact, this is not surprising at all.

For example, Jiang Tianyu of the Clear Sky School, this super genius is also beyond the strength of the three-day realm.

Seeing Zhao Xing's calmness, the elders couldn't help but moved, and even Qiu Dongyang felt a look up.

To be able to be so peaceful, I am afraid that Zhao Xin's strength has already surpassed the three-day realm, right?

The elders didn't think much.

You know, the woman in front of you is already the future suzerain figure of Huan Yuezong.

The inheritance, cultivation, cultivation resources, etc. she accepts can be said to be the best of the Huan Yuezong, which is cultivated according to the future sovereign.

"It seems that there should be no gain this time." The Fifth Elder was a little sorry.

Of course, his regret was for Yuran and Zhan Xiaoyu.

Tang Fan said, "That's not the case. At least they understand the fifth-level formation. As long as they continue to understand, they can still help them to a large extent."

"Yes, how can the fifth-level formation from our Purple Spirit Sect be incomplete from the outside, or comparable to a low-level one." The Third Elder was also somewhat proud.

These conversations of the elders, Zhao Xin listened to her ears, and the only thing she was curious about was--

That is, the whole process of their understanding and penetration of Duan Zhihui and Ji Yining, two disciples who are not Purple Spirit Sects, has nothing to do with the fifth-level formation.

Under normal circumstances, the things of one's own sect were obtained by other sect disciples, and they should have been a little distressed or unhappy.

But the Purple Spirit Sect did not.

Zhao Xin's eyes became more and more indifferent, she seemed to have thought of something, but she was still uncertain in her heart and it was difficult to judge.

Back to the venue.

All the great masters of the formation have been completed, and there are only three people left, of which Xiao Yu is naturally one.

But the audience was basically out of interest. The most powerful formation geniuses have already come down. How high can these formation masters jump?

Even if they jumped higher, the level 5 formation was already at the top of their comprehension. Compared with the sixth level formation they saw just now, they would naturally find it difficult to put on the table.

The two disciples also quickly chose the secret realm to which they belonged, but Xiao Yu was silent.

"Which one is better?"

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