Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1380: Selfishness of the Purple Spirit Sect (Part 1)

Originally, Xiao Yu felt that the so-called formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect was a strange thing in itself.

Because this kind of conference is not like a super competition conference such as the "Seven Sect Conference", nor is it like the formation conference of the Chenbei Dynasty Array Master Guild.

The former is a contest of strength to gain glory and self-affirmation.

The latter is because all the Array Mage is a member of the Array Mage Guild, and all the Array Mage are from the Chenbei Dynasty, there is no so-called second power.

In nature, this is completely different from the formation exchange meeting of the Purple Spirit Sect.

Just because the formation masters of the sect world are not all disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect.

The formation exchange meeting of the Zi Lingzong, beautifully called its name, is to allow all the formation masters in the sect world to obtain a powerful formation to increase the cohesion of the formation.

At the same time, in this formation exchange, recruit some talented children to join.

Let’s not talk about the arrogance of letting all the array mages in the sect world gain a powerful array. Is the Purple Spirit Sect really so selfless?

Just recruiting some talented mages, this is not justified. Isn't this obviously stealing people?

How could the disciples trained hard by other people's sects offer them with both hands?

In addition, not all the disciples wanted to join the Purple Spirit Sect.

Some people would rather be the cockroaches of the second and third sects than the cocktails of the big sects.

What's more, there are children from ancient regions such as Ji Yining who will not join the Purple Spirit Sect.

Based on all these things, one's own sect can be said to be the most precious things, how can it be taught to others casually?

"I'm afraid, there are few or almost no people who can find these incomplete formations." Xiao Yu's heart was very cold.

The biggest reason why Xiao Yu was able to discover this was his soul's particularity.

First, the Divine Soul Dao he cultivated was not an ordinary method of soul cultivation. It was a cultivation method that did not exist in this small world, and it was divided into two parts. According to Rhubarb, the Divine Soul Dao had an extraordinary background. Even rhubarb doesn't know what it is.

Second, Xiao Yu has a heart and soul.

Heart and soul is a kind of illusory thing, a state that can enhance the soul's perception.

People who have reached the state of mind and soul can increase their perception of the surroundings, comprehension of formations, and comprehension capabilities by at least three times.

The third is Xiao Yu's repeated attempts and contacts.

Those disciples who come to participate in this formation exchange meeting almost have a very clear goal.

The formation master, just rushed to the third-level formation.

Some masters of the formation, the direct goal is to rush to the fourth-level formation.

The Grand Master of the formation, of course, is going to the fifth-level formation.

As a result, it would be impossible for them to feel the flaws in the formation, and the flaws are too subtle, and they will not be found without careful exploration.

Xiao Yu has always done things meticulously, even if he finds the slightest impropriety, he will try to find out the reason.

But I didn't expect that although the truth was not terrible, it caused his feeling of Purple Spirit Sect to immediately drop several levels.

The Purple Spirit Sect, like the Magic Moon Sect, has always been known for its neutrality. The Magic Moon Sect is a veteran thousand-year-old sect. It is not more successful than the Xiaoyao Sect, and it has always been ranked second in the Seven Sects. .

Because all the disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect are Array Masters, they rarely see them come out and have any disputes with others.

Of course, one of the reasons is because many cultivators are reluctant to run into the formation mage.

It's okay for the strong ones, and they can resist the weaker formation mage, but those who are weak when encountering the strong formation mage are really terrible.

Leaving aside the fragile souls of their own, they are just huge killing arrays, phantom arrays, group formations, etc., definitely not everyone wants to contact and confront.

"If that's the case, should I still choose a formation to comprehend?"

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