Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1384: The Strongest Sovereign of the Purple Spirit School (Part 1)

Everyone saw that Xiao Yu really chose that piece of wood, that is, the clone of wood.

Almost everyone did not understand Xiao Yu's choice.

Although they knew that Xiao Yu didn't know the horror and difficulties of that Mu Zhi clone, but let alone these, Mu Zhi clone is a five-level high-level formation. Based on their perception of Xiao Yu's formation master, A master of the formation, choosing a five-level high-level formation is simply for the sake of death.

Of course Qiu Dongyang didn't understand, because he was the same as Xiao Yu's formation master at the beginning, but he chose an entry-level five-level formation!

Moreover, his talent can also be ranked in the top three in the sect.

"If that's the case, it depends on his good fortune." Tang Fan said indifferently.

All the elders were expressionless, and there was not much emotional fluctuation.

If you go further, Xiao Yu really understood this and this, but this formation is absolutely impossible to be fully understood.

Just because according to what Xiao Yu said, they did have selfishness, just because the formation was not complete.

And these were not decided by them. They were the first sect masters. In order to ensure the strength of the Purple Spirit Sect and the status and stability of this sect, they had to do this.

One more thing, to take a step back, even if Xiao Yu’s soul is gone, they will sigh at most. They will not be sad at all, just because Xiao Yu is a disciple of another sect. To put it a bit ugly, if something happened to Xiao Yu, they will what is the relationship?

This formation exchange meeting was not for them to force others to attend, it was voluntary participation.

Return to the secret realm.

Xiao Yu's consciousness entered the wood, and his feelings and fluctuations fluctuated and connected again.

This caused Xiao Yu to stop and stare at the wood intently.

"Five-level formation?" Xiao Yu's heart moved.

Under the sweep of the soul, this piece of wood turned out to be a five-level high-level formation, which surprised Xiao Yu.

"What a strong breath of life." Xiao Yu was surprised.

Strictly speaking, everything in the Secret Realm of Wood Attributes possesses the aura of life, but this wood is particularly rich, and the connection is like calling Xiao Yu on purpose.

"Are you calling me?" Xiao Yu frowned.

This so-called calling, of course, was just bad, because he could kill his soul at any time.

But it turned out to be a kind of friendship.

Xiao Yu certainly wouldn't be confused. After all, there are still many five-level formations here. He can choose some that are relatively not so difficult, but the upper limit must be a sixth-level formation to comprehend.

Yes, Xiao Yu naturally aimed at the sixth-level formation.

In Divine Soul Dao, it is true that the ocean with formation technique can be provided to Xiao Yu, but what about waiting for Xiao Yu to reach the heaven master of formation technique?

Who knows if there are any more?

After all, it was a sixth-level formation.

Another is that getting the formation is one of Xiao Yu's purposes to participate, and the other purpose is also to experience and make his soul stronger.

"Fine, it's you."

Xiao Yu recalled all the soul formations that he had swept just now, but none of them had as strong vitality as this piece of wood, nor did they feel as strong as this piece of wood.

He didn't hesitate anymore, his consciousness entered the wood, and in just a moment, the environment of the entire secret realm changed.

Strictly speaking, the secret realm has become a place full of green trees, and all other strangely shaped forest attributes have also disappeared.

"Hehe, boy, you finally came."

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