Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1392: Impossible dead

There was only a loud "rumbling" sound. The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the ground seemed to be cracking, shaking left and right.

Then a huge tree trunk rose from the ground where Xiao Yu was, and Xiao Yu's whole person was embedded into the tree trunk.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yu's torso blended into the tree trunk, only his hands, feet, and head were exposed, forming a "big" character.

Then the tree trunks rose up into the sky, directly rising to a height of a hundred meters, which is a huge amount of environmental protection.

Numerous roots and vines crawled on the ground, like old trees with roots, and like dragon's whiskers.

From a distance, the towering "big tree" with only the roots and trunks is extremely strange.

Xiao Yu was embedded in the trunk of the tree, tens of meters away from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was another rumbling sound, and a wooden pile rose on the ground where Ou Qing was, which directly lifted him up.

Standing on the wooden stake, Ou Qing had already restored his original appearance at this time. He stood in mid-air like this, and in front of him was Xiao Yu who had been embedded into the trunk.

Seeing this scene, everyone on the sidelines couldn't help but gasped.

"This... is this the big tomb altar in the legendary forest attribute formation?" A Purple Spirit Sect felt dry and his heart trembled.

Ji Yining was amazed, and said: "Legendly, the district lord of the Purple Spirit Sect, the strongest formation combination is the wood clone and the tomb altar. The wood clone makes people place themselves in their own fantasy formations. , And then make the opponent feel desperate. When they are weak, they will activate the altar to take the power of the soul and let the opponent be wiped out."

Zhan Xiaoyu's face was already pale. Although she didn't want to see this scene in her heart, no matter what, this had already happened.

"Elder, Xiao Yu... is he really hopeless?" Zhan Xiaoyu must be young and kind-hearted.

Seeing scenes like Xiao Yu, she felt a sad emotion filled her heart.

Because even if you can't feel how powerful this formation is in the secret realm, but seeing this spectacular scene, no matter what, everyone guessed the ending.

Just because they had seen it just now, any formation used by Xiao Yu, any attack destination, thoughts, etc., were all souls that could not escape Ou Qing.

All attacks are ineffective, and all efforts are in vain.

Elder Shen shook his head and said: "No, once the district sect master activates this large tomb altar, it is impossible to come out alive. After so many years, even the disciples of this sect still cannot escape this taboo."

Zhan Xiaoyu's mood finally sank to the bottom.

"Even my own sect disciple can't be spared..." Zhan Xiaoyu murmured.

Elder Shen sighed and said, "Because the taboo was established at the beginning, the district master wanted to recruit more talented and talented disciples of this sect to stimulate their potential. Now the district master is just a trace of inventory in the secret realm. Remnant Soul, he can't control the taboo originally established in this secret realm."

Duan Zhihui said indifferently: "If you are a master of formation, you will die."

Many people seemed to nod secretly.

Indeed, compared with the Grand Master of the Formation, the Grand Master of the Formation is indeed a little less valuable.

If a great master of formation dies, then they may mourn in silence.

"No, he is not the master of the formation technique, he is the great master of the formation technique." Elder Shen's eyes flashed with a hint of light.

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