Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1403: Penetrate, six-level formation!

Accompanied by everyone's exclaim, Tang Fan and the other elders felt a little stunned, and all the elders showed a pale color on their faces.

Yes, they can't phenomenon at all, what happened in front of them, and even transmitted to their minds was such a scene.

Ou Qing's soul body is being swallowed and consumed!

In just a moment of effort, Ou Qing's original translucent soul body became almost transparent at this time.

At the same time, the spear in the sky finally landed at this moment.

However, the wood spear that was originally full of luster turned yellow instantly, and the speed of the fall was also decreasing.

When the gun head touched the semicircular wooden defensive cover, it made a very crisp cracking sound.


Twenty or thirty and the giant spear seemed to have pierced the copper wall and iron wall, all of them were broken.

Ou Qing's entire soul's mind seemed to be a bolt from the blue.

Just now, all the soul power of his attached soul clone was swallowed.

So that the falling spear lacked the support of the power of the soul, of course, the attack power was much weaker.

The wooden light cover disappeared, revealing Xiao Yu's figure.

Seeing this figure, Ou Qing was completely shocked.

At this moment, the entire world of green formations turned yellow.

The atmosphere of the entire formation world is like the old man with withered big tree, withered oil lamp and dying wind.


"Okay, it's over."

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. Just now he urged the Tianmu God formation to control the entire formation, so that Ou Qing lost all the support of his soul power.

Now, Ou Qing was only left with a remnant soul.

However, Xiao Yu also consumed a lot of mind, and looked a little tired, because his soul power was also consumed a lot.

After all, the Tianmu God Formation is mysterious, but it takes a lot of attention to urge it.

Especially this formation is really extraordinary, it can be said that Xiao Yu has already achieved the ultimate.

But in his current state, there is no difficulty in killing Ou Qing.

It's nothing more than a remnant soul, without the power of the soul, but nothing more than nothing.

With a move of Xiao Yu's mind, countless vines entangled the almost transparent figure.

It was precisely because Ou Qing knew that Xiao Yu wanted to kill him, he felt fear, but what about fear?

Can he escape?

His wood clone has been completely controlled.

But Ou Qing didn't want to die. Strictly speaking, he was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to be destroyed like this.

But will Xiao Yu let him go? The answer is no, because either he died or Xiao Yu was wiped out in ashes.


"Do not……"

Countless vines penetrated into Ou Qing's body, the vitality of life and death changed, and the death aura urged, Ou Qing's originally fragile remnant soul was like a dry sea, only waiting for death.

Ou Qing has no resistance at all, but look at Xiao Yu outside the court, his body is solid, and he has turned into a cocoon!

The cyan cocoon formed an oval shape, firmly enveloping Xiao Yu.

"This is the sixth-level formation..." Xiao Yu exclaimed in his heart.

Yes, he has realized the upper limit of the powerful formation of Muzhi Clone!

Although it is difficult to mobilize with his spiritual realm cultivation base, and even mobilization can not last long, but when he reaches the formation master, this is one of his killers!

Seeing this scene, Tang Fan and other elders pale, their eyes shrinking, and even a kind of hollow.

They have no reason not to know what this scene represents.

It means that the formation of Mu Zhi's clone has been broken, and it means that the remnant soul of Ou Qing will be wiped out.

More representative, the dignity of their Purple Spirit Sect for thousands of years, at this moment, was buried in this formation exchange conference.

Apart from Zhan Xiaoyu's complex eyes, almost everyone in the audience showed a kind of jealousy, a kind of unwillingness, and of course horror in it.

For the disciples of the Clear Sky School, Fengshimen, Xuanjian Pavilion, and Baiyugu sects, there will be one more super array genius with talent and enchanting in this world!

This person is still a double repair! Still from Xiaoyaomen.

For Duan Zhihui, Ji Yining, Fu Yuran and other formation geniuses, they seemed too small in front of Xiao Yu.

Even the strongest suzerain’s formation can be broken, and even the six-level formation upper limit that is impossible to comprehend can be understood. Can they compare with this person?

What the Purple Spirit Sect did not expect was that the original formation exchange meeting was to cultivate the excellence of the Purple Spirit Sect and attract the formation genius to join their sect competition, but now an outsider gets the most benefit.

And he is also a guy who has mastered all the forest attributes of one of the four mysteries of Fenghuoshan Forest!

"No! No, we absolutely can't let this kid succeed. The formation of our Purple Spirit Sect is not something everyone can get!"

The three elders immediately shouted towards the distance: "Elder Shen, prepare for the third round!"

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