Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1405: The third round touches! (under)

Everyone's eyes lit up.

They are very clear in their hearts, why do they have to fight three?

Just because he understood the upper limit of the formation at the same time, there was also a light cocoon, and there was still a sixth-level formation, this formation mage was already a super genius!

One World War Three is for fairness and reciprocity in realm and strength.

Imagine that even though the person in it is a spiritual realm, a great master of formation, but the horror of its soul talent, it can also be realized that the upper limit is a sixth-level formation, which is already too many great masters of the same level. Up.

Zhan Xiaoyu didn't care too much about winning, and asked quickly: "What about the loser?"

"The loser will be injured in the soul, and the formation will be stripped from the soul; in the worst...the ashes will disappear!"


After listening, the excited people just took a breath.

Even Duan Zhihui, Ji Yining, and Fu Yuran's eyes were uncertain.

The so-called winners and losers, and the losers, are no longer qualified to survive, and their destiny has already been controlled by the victor.

If the victors show mercy and will not take their lives, then they should be safe and sound.

But if the two have an antagonism, then it is definitely going to die and die.

In this fist world, people die for money and birds die for food, and everyone is constantly fighting and adventurous for themselves to be stronger.

In this situation, everyone is a competitor, and everyone is a threat. Let me ask, who will let the threat continue?

Hearing such a cruel rule in the third round, Zhao Xin remained silent, but it was almost as she had guessed.

She finally couldn't help but said half mockingly: "Unsuccessful, and you can't become benevolent. It seems that Elder Tang, you have made a lot of determination!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in these words, but when the third elder screamed out just now regardless of his identity, he had expected Zhao Xin to treat them that way.

Tang Fan sighed and said: "Miss Zhao, I believe you can understand us. We did this to cultivate better and more crisis-conscious geniuses; secondly, to protect our Purple Spirit Sect. ."

Zhao Xin sneered in her heart without speaking.

The first reason is to cultivate better formation geniuses, Zhao Xin doesn't believe it, and only the second reason is the most important.

If the people inside are disciples of their Purple Spirit Sect, will they still launch the third round?

What they are saying here is so nice, but it is a better way of saying things.

You know, which sect is far away from seeing his disciples in a dangerous situation?

The grand-sounding excuses of the Purple Spirit Sect were nothing but a relief for their selfishness.

However, as Zhao Xin thought at the beginning, the Purple Spirit Sect was not wrong, perhaps the fault lies in Mu Xiu and Lin Feng will destroy it.

I don’t know what happened. At this moment, Zhao Xin suddenly wanted to see Xiao Yu come out safely. Perhaps it was because Xiao Yu kept giving her surprises, and she also wanted to use Xiao Yu’s power to make the Purple Spirit Sect Take a big loss.

But is it really that easy?

Zhao Xin didn't know, all she knew was that it all depended on Xiao Yu's good fortune.


When Elder Shen's Fayin moved, for a while, the other three secret realm doors disappeared, leaving only the forest attribute secret realm doors.

"The door has been opened, and only three people can enter at a time, but I must tell you that although this is your opportunity, it is also full of threats. What kind of good luck can be obtained depends on you."

When Elder Shen said so, everyone started to move around...

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