Shura God Emperor

Chapter 143: Capital struggle

Palin said that after the big match, she would tell herself who the knife was in the rain and why she came to kill herself.

"Whose people are they? I don't think it's that simple." Xiao Yu said calmly.

Knife in the Rain is an array mage, knowing his whereabouts, and quietly arranged a magic array.

One more thing, Knife in the Rain didn't tell the person behind him until he died, and said he couldn't afford it.

This made Xiao Yu even more certain that the identity of the knife in the rain was definitely not that simple.

Peelin smiled slightly and said, "Maybe you guessed it? Yes, the knife in the rain is the queen's person. Strictly speaking, it belongs to an organization called Tianfumen."

"Tianfu Gate?"

Xiao Yu's expression moved slightly, Tianfumen was considered a legend in the capital, and it was also a taboo name.

Legend has it that Tianfu Gate is an extremely mysterious organization, and the people inside Tianfu Gate are very powerful.

These people are at the mercy of the royal family, specifically killing those officials who have different intentions or even defy the royal family's orders.

The killed officials will lose their lives for no reason.

Moreover, those who have seen the people of Tianfumen will either disappear or die.

Therefore, many high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital did not dare to disobey the royal family's orders.

There are many factions in the royal family, between concubines and even princes, but in general all families are loyal to the royal family, so as long as there is no betrayal, then there is nothing wrong.

At this moment, Xiao Yu also fully understood.

"It turns out that it's because I rejected the queen, she will send someone from Tianfumen to kill me." Xiao Yu's eyes were cold.

In fact, he has many enemies in the capital, but he is able to spur a formation mage to kill himself. I am afraid that the background is not that simple.

I just didn't expect it to be the queen.

Palin said: "Yes, it has been rumored in the capital that you have rejected the Queen's solicitation, so many people are afraid of the Queen's power, so they dare not talk about it."

"What kind of organization is this Tianfumen?" Xiao Yu asked.

A ghost killing knife is so powerful, so what if it is even more powerful?

Peelin also lost that smile, her expression became calm, and said: "Tianfumen is an organization of slaves belonging to the queen. Only the queen is ordered. The main force is concentrated in the capital. If you kill the knife in the rain, you must have begun to make the Tianfumen And the queen are paying attention to you."

Xiao Yu immediately became puzzled, and said, "Then why haven't they moved recently?"

Peelin glanced at Xiao Yu and said, "You forgot about the black and white Shuangsha, mom? According to my information, someone at Tianfumen was planning to dispatch that day, but because she saw the black and white Shuangsha went to your house, she was The queen stopped."

Xiao Yu stared at Peilin. He didn't care who wanted to kill him. He was surprised that the Baoxuan Pavilion was hidden so deeply. They knew things about Tianfumen so well. Could they have their spies in the palace?

Pei Lin said solemnly: "I'm not afraid to tell you that when I was ten years old, my biological parents, originally local officials, were killed because they were dissatisfied with the Queen’s New Deal, so I didn’t have a good impression of Tianfumen, even They hate it."

"That's why you joined Baoxuan Pavilion in the end. Was it just for revenge?" Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

It is no wonder that Peilin is so familiar with the things inside Tianfumen and the palace, so it seems that she has the vengeance of killing her father.

You know, Pei Lin is only in her early twenties, she just looks a little enchanting, so in other words, Tianfu Gate has existed for more than ten years?

Peilin nodded and looked at Xiao Yu and said, "The capital is not as simple as you think. There are various clans fighting against each other. There are also queens and concubines in the royal family, but there are basically no forces like our Baoxuan Pavilion that can fight against the royal family. "

Xiao Yu's heart moved, staring at Peilin and said: "You mean, the pavilion of Baoxuan Pavilion is also secretly against the royal family?"

Peelin's eyes flickered, and she said in a deep voice, "Xiao Yu, your strength is too weak. It's better not to know so much about some things. I can only say that the pavilion master and I are on the same front and support all my actions. "

Xiao Yu finally took a deep breath.

The pavilion master of Baoxuan Pavilion is said to be among the top five existences in the entire dynasty, but he also heard that the pavilion master of Baoxuan Pavilion is a character who sees no end in sight.

But I didn't expect that Baoxuan Pavilion, a neutral force rumored to the outside world, turned out to be against the royal family.

If the royal family knew about it, maybe Baoxuan Pavilion would be uprooted, right?

You know that Baoxuan Pavilion is powerful, but can it compete with the royal family no matter how big it is? the answer is negative.

Xiao Yu gradually felt that there were so many things in the capital, and there were too many things and areas that he could not touch.

"I don't want to participate in your struggle, but the royal family has to deal with me, which is my enemy. I can join you, but in this way, my situation will be even more dangerous."

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