Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1432: Tianmu is luxuriant!

Seeing that the three spears were about to stab Xiao Yu, everyone in the audience held their breath, and even Jiang Yu and other elders of the Purple Spirit Sect looked at the scene where Xiao Yu was killed.

"With Zhan Xiaoyu's talent, this five-level formation is already top-notch. If it's the peak moment, even the Heavenly Spirit Realm can kill him."

"That's right, and because she was injured by Xiao Yu earlier, she has suffered a little soul injury. Of course, it is very easy to kill an Earth Spirit Realm."

"Not only that, Xiao Yu's soul state is unstable due to the influence of his physical body. Whether it is the force of the soul or the application of the formation, it will have a great impact. He is almost waiting to die."

All the disciples are analyzing Dao, but in their words, there is no pity for Xiao Yu.

Killing the true disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect is enough to achieve the point where the blood debts are repaid. It is not surprising that Jiang Yu and the others will kill Xiao Yu so hard.

Only when Xiao Yu died could the Purple Spirit Sect get a little spiritual balance and comfort.

Therefore, Xiao Yu must die if he does not die!

Yes, at this time Xiao Yu, because the dragon was shocked, and at the same time his body was injured and affected, which made his soul state very unstable.

It can be said that Xiao Yu's soul state at this time is the weakest.

The so-called weakest is not that the soul is injured, nor is the power of the soul dried up, but that Xiao Yu's soul does not have a good environment for it, so that it becomes unstable.

However, does this show that Xiao Yu is defeated?

Or to put it this way, does this prove that Xiao Yu can only wait for death?

the answer is negative.

At this moment, in Xiao Yu's mind, the Heavenly Wood God Array grew infinitely in a densely blooming posture.

The Tianmu God Formation is independent of Xiao Yu's soul. It is only motivated by Xiao Yu's consciousness, but is not affected by Xiao Yu's soul.

In Xiao Yu's mind, countless big trees in the sky were constantly blooming and growing vigorously, as if they had been absorbed by the vast vitality.

Invisibly, the Tianmu God Array actually appeared in the secret space. To be precise, with Xiao Yu as the center, the invisible Tianmu God Array actually densely covered the entire huge secret space.

"How could it be like this..." There was still trapped by the vines, but Ou Qing, who had stopped drawing his soul, trembled completely.

Others couldn't see what happened to Xiao Yu, but he did.

He not only saw it, but also felt it clearly.

Just because the formation in this secret realm belonged to him, it was only counter-controlled by Xiao Yu.

And what did he see?

"What exactly is this……"

Yes, it was exactly the same as what Xiao Yu felt when he controlled this formation, and saw these branches again!

And this time, it covered the entire secret space!

He couldn't show it at all. Who is this young man, how could he have such an amazing thing.

"No, this is not the formation, nor the power of the soul, this is..." Ou Qing suddenly thought of something, and the whole soul thundered with a thunderbolt, and his eyes were full of shock and horror.

"Impossible, this cannot be true..."

Until he thought of this, an incredible scene appeared for everyone.

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head, his eyes once again showing brilliant brilliance, like the stars in the night sky shining on the earth.

"Break it for me!"

Accompanied by a loud roar from him, the three flame swords that were about to be assassinated solidified in an instant, and then all turned into nothingness...

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