Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1434: Originally from the same root

The four secret realms of Fenghuoshan Forest have existed for a thousand years in the Purple Spirit Sect.

At the beginning of the establishment of the four mysteries, the purpose was to enable more talented disciples of the sect to obtain a stronger formation after accepting the challenge and immediately join the Purple Spirit Sect.

Strictly speaking, the Four Secret Realms of Fenghuoshan Forest is a treasure house of formations in a special sense.

Many of the high-level formations in it, even the disciples of the Purple Spirit Sect's own sect, cannot practice casually.

Only after the disciples of the past dynasties have practiced, they will be portrayed and passed on in the sect.

It is precisely because of this that the Purple Spirit Sect has been able to stand in the sect world for so long.

The development of the Purple Spirit Sect started from the formation that the four masters of the mountain were good at.

And what about the formation exchange meeting this time?

Known as the strongest suzerain in the past, the last remnant soul was obliterated.

Known as the strongest wood clone formation in the forest attribute secret realm, it was successfully comprehended.

There is also the Four Secret Realms of Fenghuoshan Forest that made the Purple Spirit Sect famous in the line of the Array Master, one of which has been destroyed!

Everything is because of a teenager!

A young man who rises quietly and has a talented soul!

It's Xiao Yu!

Now, the secret realm on which the Purple Spirit Sect relies on pride has been destroyed by a young man?

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu with an unbelievable look.

"I...I read it right... The secret realm opened by Sect Master Kaishan was destroyed by...?" Some disciples of the second-rate sect couldn't help but be speechless.

"It's terrifying, this kid, although the secret realm is not a space opened up by the mighty one in the legend, the secret realm is built by the power of the soul, and it is built by the power of the soul of a heavenly master of formation! If he can destroy it, either Either the entire secret structure is in control, or the soul cultivation is already stronger than the former district sovereign."

"He is not so godly, is he? He is just the Great Master of Spiritual Realm Formation. If he is really a Master of Formation Formation, he will not come to this formation exchange meeting."

"If you say that, wouldn't he..."

After thinking of this, they didn't dare to imagine it anymore, took a deep breath, with a shocking expression in their eyes.

What kind of talent is needed to control the entire secret realm?

Or what kind of means is needed to do it?


The space gate of the Lin Attribute Secret Realm disappeared, and Xiao Yu's soul body also returned to his body.

Over there, the pressure on Jiang Yu's enchantment disappeared in an instant like the tide. The pressure on his body was gone, but the whole person seemed to stand on the ground as if powerless.

After the mystery disappeared, Xiao Yu also opened his eyes, but if everyone found out carefully, they could find that Zhan Xiaoyu did not open his eyes.

At this moment, the third elder's pupils shrank, and his expression was stern: "Boy, you dare!!!"

Everyone cast their gazes over, and under this look, they took another deep breath.

I saw that there was something annoying with the faint light on Xiao Yu's palm.

There was a strong soul aura from the light group, and they held their breath. This was the soul of Zhan Xiaoyu!

Yes, the secret realm was destroyed. After Xiao Yu came out, the soul of Zhan Xiaoyu, who had been reduced to a "prisoner under the rank", was naturally controlled by Xiao Yu.

Since Xiao Yu could control the collapse of the secret realm's soul structure, how could he not control anything in the secret realm?

Including Zhan Xiaoyu's life!

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