Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1453: Thousands of Clouds

The offensive in both rounds was broken. Qu Yuanqing's eyes drenched, but he said with a sneer: "I didn't expect the rumors from the outside world to be true. You do have extraordinary fighting ability."

"Is it just fighting ability?" Xiao Yu's eyes were indifferent, and he secretly shook his head, thinking that you don't even know what trump card I have.

Seeing Xiao Yu's disapproval expression, Qu Yuanqing's eyes flashed a sharp light: "But it's only now, waiting for you, it is still death!"

"Really? Then you take another sword."

Xiao Yu whispered, and with a twist of his wrist, he drew from the diagonally downward to the diagonally upward, and Li Mang suddenly skyrocketed several tens of meters.

Xing Taoyue!

This time Xiao Yu used the seven-star sword's moves, and Qu Yuanqing suddenly felt an invisible sharp vigor around him, pressing him.

He waved his sleeves, his first response was to defend. He had known that the opponent's weapon was not a common product, so he could not be careless.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless clouds and fog permeated, instilling Qu Yuanqing’s unrivaled palm style under the heaven and earth spiritual power, turning into a huge cloud palm wall. At first glance, these walls look like a cloud color, but in reality Shang is stronger than the mountain, forming a huge defensive wall in front of Qu Yuanqing.

However, even so, in front of Xiao Yu's Seven-Star Sword, it was almost like tofu, once again cut in half, and suddenly disappeared.

Each of Xiao Yu's three freehand swords was so plain and unremarkable, but the horror, sharp, and invisible posture of the sword made everyone shocked.

There was a sudden jump in Qu Yuanqing's heart, and his face moved slightly.

It is said that being famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is not as good as being famous.

Before he was in retreat, Xiao Yu used this sword to kill many masters of the Qu family. Afterwards, Qu Yuanqing didn't believe it too much, and felt that he would definitely have this ability to stop this young man after he was in retreat.

But he seemed to underestimate Xiao Yu's understanding of the sword style, and underestimated the power of the Seven Star Sword.

"Qu Yuanqing, you really disappointed me. Are you capable of this? If this is the case, then you will have nowhere to die today." Xiao Yu shook his head.

Qu Yuanqing was very angry and laughed, saying: "It's not a good place to die. Xiaoyaomen is really a dragon! But you shouldn't be wrong today, you shouldn't come to my Qu family mansion!"

"I have been preparing for half a month, of course do you think that I have spent half a month in vain?"

As soon as the voice fell, Qu Yuanqing's hands were empty and dragged upward.

Suddenly, clouds and mist in the sky spread out from the entire ground, covering the entire Qu family compound.

Qu Yuanqing seemed to be in control of the entire sea of ​​clouds and fog, hazy and white, but the atmosphere here was very strange, shrouded in it, as if falling into the abyss of the sea, unable to extricate himself.

The terrible thing is that the entire sea of ​​clouds and fog covers a radius of 500 meters.

Everyone in the Qu family had withdrawn from this area. From a distance, it looked like fog, very strange.

Of course, Xiao Yu has a heart and soul, and the range of soul consciousness scanning is basically equivalent to his second pair of eyes. Even if he doesn't need to look, he knows Qu Yuanqing's movements.

"Boy, what you are falling into is my sea of ​​thousands of opportunities, in the sea of ​​clouds, I am the master!"

Seeing this scene, Qu's eyes were full of light.

"The highest level of the Thousand Chance Cloud Jue, Thousand Chance Cloud Sea, the Patriarch succeeded!"

The masters of the Qu family were very excited and pleasantly surprised, just because this Thousand Chance Cloud Secret Art was passed down from the Clear Sky School, and it was the strongest among the Clear Grade Cultivation Techniques of the Clear Sky School!

"It is said that the Thousand Chance Yun Jue cultivating to the realm of the sea of ​​clouds is comparable to the low-level cultivation techniques and supernatural powers of the land!"

Those cultivators were shocked.

The local cultivation techniques, magical powers, these are like treasures to the seven sects!

"A Thousand Chance Cloud Arrow!"

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