Shura God Emperor

Chapter 1460: Three feet green front, why hurt me!

Xiao Yu uttered two words directly, and another starlight shot out. The last figure of the Luanque was penetrated before he could kill Xiao Yu.

The audience was shocked.

What high-grade spirit weapon, what ancient golden bird, before Xiao Yu's sword style, it seemed like jealous, there was no trace, no sound.

"What kind of sword is this?"

Many masters trembled, especially Qu Fan and other children of the Qu family who wanted to take revenge, their entire faces were pale.

This boy is even more terrifying than when he killed their Qu family last time!

Jia Chen's face was pale, and his lips murmured.

" is impossible, my Sanluan Blackbird, even the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm has the power to fight, this kid..."

He suddenly raised his head, and suddenly realized that Xiao Yu had already swooped towards him.

"Jia Chen, I'll take your life!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, and Jia Chen's face changed wildly. At this moment, he finally realized how enchanting and terrifying this young man was.

He suddenly roared, and the spiritual power of the surrounding world gathered on his longbow in a rushing and surging manner.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

He seemed to have mobilized his life's energy, and the action of drawing a bow and shooting an arrow continued to accelerate, and it was almost turning into afterimages.

Countless night fantasy arrows tore through the space, and every arrow shot out, as if it was about to shake the space, and it was assassinated with a howling sound.

But he seems to have forgotten that even his strongest attack can't kill Xiao Yu. Would Xiao Yu be afraid of the mere night vision?

the answer is negative.

Xiao Yu shook his head and sighed, and then his arms were as light as heavy, as slow as fast, and with a stroke in the air, a half-circle starlight sword aura appeared.

The sword aura was shining with bright stars and sparkling, forming a sword cover in front of Xiao Yu that both attacked and defended. It seemed that even the spiritual power of heaven and earth did not exist.

Three feet green front, why hurt me!

"Boom boom!"

Even though Jia Chen had already exerted the strength to eat milk, his arrows were cut off by Xiao Yu again and again, just like a series of reminders, accompanied by Xiao Yu's steps forward, slowly Approach slowly.

Jia Chen was already a big man with no blood on his face. The steps of the person in front of him were like the death goddess of death. Every step he approached, his heart was twitched fiercely.

In the end, not so much exhaustion, but more accurately Jia Chen felt a kind of weakness all over his body.

It's terrible, this young man is no more than a human spirit!

No wonder he can kill Yang Xuan and Yan Fanhao!

No wonder the elders in the sect wanted to put him to death!

No wonder Fengshimen, Baiyugu, and Xuanjian Pavilion want him to die!

This is simply a monster!

That talent and potential are far more terrifying than Jiang Tianyu of their sect!

"Xiao Yu, you..."

Jia Chen's horrified teeth were trembling, and when he gritted his teeth, he seemed to be going to shoot an arrow again.

Han Guang suddenly shot over, and with a "keng", his longbow suddenly got away and flew out.


For a moment, the crowd was in an uproar, even Jia Chen would fail?

Qu Fan and the Qu family's children were ashamed. They thought that Jia Chen could kill the kid, but they didn't expect the result to be the same.

Jia Chen has no weapons anymore, all thoughts are silent, but he is a disciple of the Clear Sky School, the leader of the seven sects!

He is also ranked first in the inner door of the Clear Sky School!

"Xiao Yu, you can't kill me! I'm Hao..."

Before he could speak, Xiao Yu's sword passed over his neck, and Jia Chen's face froze...

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